Example sentences of "not the cause " in BNC.

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1 Television bias was not the cause of declining expectations of Alliance success : it was a consequence of declining expectations amongst both journalists and the public at large ( Table 7.3 ) .
2 Although Ramsey himself was to be the person who altered the pattern in archbishops , he was not the cause of the change .
3 This would be pointless since the State was not the cause of the unjust social system but simply its effect .
4 India 's economic failure is not the cause of the hatred between its religions , but it makes the hatreds worse .
5 Insofar as there is uniformity between the members of a nation , it is the result of nationalism ( and usually the creation of a State to enforce uniformity ) not the cause .
6 Although the Yom Kippur War triggered the first oil price shock , this was not the cause .
7 ‘ They may be sympathetic and may want to try to help , but we know that they treat the symptoms and not the cause . ’
8 Anyway , her cancer as such was not actively discussed , so only her loss and not the cause of her loss was ever aired .
9 Any enquiry into the causes of the failures of the Christian religion , must disclose that the existence of the two great divisions and of the numerous minor ones , is not the main issue , and not the cause of the failure of the religion to establish itself as wholly acceptable to all mankind .
10 Moreover , over-production is not the cause of such crises , ‘ rather it is the expression of crises . ’
11 Promotion for Hilde was not the cause for celebration she had expected :
12 The heat , redness , pain and swelling are the classical signs of inflammation and are very obviously the result of the body 's reaction to the infection and not the cause of the illness .
13 The discovery of impressive ruins which illustrated the past existence of a great Sinhalese-Buddhist civilization in the dry zone provided Buddhists with proof that their religion was not the cause of their colonial status .
14 The number of entrants has dropped by 27% compared to 1991 and the judges were hopeful that the new application form — combined with SORP 2 — was not the cause .
15 Finally , we can reverse the terms of the argument , insisting that women 's difference from men is not the cause of sexism but an effect of sexism ; social practices like not hiring women in certain positions or allowing them to become leaders have the effect , over time , of producing the very differences which are then used to justify the original discrimination .
16 If the war was not the cause of that subsequent economic growth — either wholly or in part — then clearly it did not seriously inhibit it .
17 ( He does not even make any special point about the dishonesty which there would seem to be in doing this when acceptance of those claims is not the cause of one 's own attitude — to do so would be , from his point of view , to play the moralist rather than the philosopher who should simply describe ethical discourse . )
18 This is the most likely , in so far as the threatened deposition of Edward V would provide the strongest reason for Hastings to switch sides , but in that case any conspiracy becomes the result , and not the cause , of Gloucester 's decision to take the throne .
19 The temptation to say the coin caused the bar to come out can be explained by seeing it for the ordinary cause that it was , and of what event it was the cause , and of what nearby event it was not the cause .
20 In the present case , the immediate proceeding in which the order was made was not the cause or matter to which the section refers .
21 These two tendencies may have been exacerbated by the rise in public expenditure in the 1960s , as Bacon and Eltis suggest , but they were not the cause of it , since they preceded it .
22 Prior to COGSA unseaworthiness was determinative of liability ; after COGSA a carrier could rely on the Harter Act derived exemptions for errors in navigation or management , even though the vessel was unseaworthy as long as the unseaworthiness was not the cause of the loss .
23 Allergy , although probably not the cause of glue ear , is a factor in its persistence and recurrence and should be taken into consideration when evaluating treatment methods .
24 The difficult situations that life presents to us are not the cause of stress .
25 The fact that the ad sits in between other normal commercials gives it added impact , but the trouble is it tackles the symptoms , not the cause and could feed on guilt .
26 In these cases , therefore , sedimentation was not the cause of the subsidence , but , as always , subsidence was the cause of the preservation of the sediments .
27 ‘ It was not the cause of what happened to Nona . ’
28 Closing a pub does not help a brewer to comply with the important brewing order ; it is essential that the House understands that , as many hon. Members have problems involving pubs , and they need to answer that point , which shows that the brewing order is not the cause of the pub closure .
29 It is not the cause of German economic strength , but the consequence .
30 This participation is the effect , not the cause , of this objective coincidence .
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