Example sentences of "on the issue " in BNC.

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1 In a different context , but also on the issue of religion , an American book on the Aztecs by the archaeologist Vaillant commented tartly :
2 The provisional movement is divided on the issue of capitalism but , for the time at least , has an openly declared policy of achieving an island-wide socialist republic by the combined means of violence and the democratic process .
3 But none of these groupings ever came near to threatening the dominance of Unionist Party organization , much less the solidarity of protestant loyalists , which always appeared total on the issue of incorporation into a united , independent Ireland .
4 This mediation of ethics makes indirect one 's access to the problem of the relationship between the religious faith of some and the morality of the many , particularly on the issue of the freedom of the individual versus the intervention of the state .
5 He took the unprecedented step of going public on the issue , an action of which Whyte does not sufficiently stress the importance .
6 The high court decision , announced at the end of December in that year , found on behalf of SPUC and declared such counselling by the Dublin Well Woman Centre and the Open Line counselling service to be illegal and ordered them to cease their public information service on the issue by 12 January 1987 .
7 This was generally understood by the media to mean that the hierarchy would not oppose the introduction of divorce in a future united Ireland , indeed that they might be prepared to budge on the issue even now .
8 Though the coalition government were allowing their TDs — the Irish equivalent for MPs — a free vote on the issue , its parties , Fine Gael and Labour , officially sponsored the campaign for the constitutional change .
9 Fianna Fáil appeared to be equally divided on the issue .
10 Some members of the anti-abortion lobby had apparently been indicating the ‘ weak ’ moral stance of protestants on the issue .
11 An outline of the church 's dominant political theology on the issue is therefore also explored .
12 The BHRCA has now received what Customs & Excise said was its final stand on the issue .
13 More directly , on the issue of the Grand Slam Cup , he added ‘ I think it will replace The Masters ( the ATP Championships finals ) .
14 But the action was swiftly denounced by the radical Popular Front movement of Azerbaijan , which has supported the two-month blockade aimed at starving Armenia into capitulating on the issue .
15 Labour 's employment spokesman was blamed for much of the confusion which arose at the TUC on the issue .
16 They have fired this interest by spending £44m on the issue , aiming it primarily at the retail investor when one might expect an issue of this sort to be more suitable for institutions .
17 But the play , because it wants its bread buttered on both sides , keeps its options open until the end on the issue of whether she is genuinely taken in by her husband 's lie or whether her insistence that the girl stay the weekend , her broody concern for the future of the fictitious baby , and marriage-broking on behalf of Julie are just ways of stoking up Jacques 's embarrassment .
18 SMOKING has become the main health concern of companies , with a sharp rise in the number introducing policies to control smoking at work , a conference on the issue was told yesterday .
19 Sir : Following your article on video ‘ spy ’ cameras ( 11 October ) , I feel compelled as a police officer to balance the National Council for Civil Liberties 's views on the issue of video surveillance .
20 The Democratic leadership in Congress has pushed him hard on the issue .
21 On the other hand , when television coverage of unemployment almost ceased in the third week , public demand for political debate on the issue also dropped slightly , from 66 per cent to 56 per cent , and it remained at this new lower level thereafter .
22 Plaid Cymru itself was distinctly half-hearted on the issue .
23 Within the Cabinet , it was , paradoxically , Snowden — usually regarded as a sea-green incorruptible on the issue of free trade — who , overcome by hatred of Labour and a desire to smash his old party , appeared to relish the idea of an early election in which Labour would go down to defeat .
24 The sub-committee agreed on the need for an effective UK civil aviation programme , and that the USA should be approached on the issue of internationalization .
25 Bevin said little directly on the issue , except to stress the political problems of a rapid withdrawal from the Dutch East Indies and the need to consult the Chiefs of Staff .
26 More specifically , on the issue of cultural hierarchies and class relations the Situationists tried to distance themselves from bourgeois notions of progress and their equivalence in the neo-avant-garde of the post-war period .
27 Nevertheless , the de-Marxisation of their project by him and the ‘ death of the social ’ which he has announced should alert us to the doubts raised by Raymond Williams on the issue of certain types of Utopianism .
28 He hopes to see work on the issue of support , particularly pairing up with another person .
29 Yesterday 's hearing before Mr Justice Schiemann was on the issue of whether the claim fell within the legal time limit .
30 Management at Jimmy 's , the largest hospital in Europe , is cautious on the issue .
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