Example sentences of "on the subject " in BNC.

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1 Those involved with ACET are now helping provide home care for one in four of all those dying with AIDS in the UK and up to 4,000 school pupils a month are now receiving education on the subject .
2 The charity was launched in June 1988 by Dr Patrick Dixon , a specialist in care for the dying and author or two books on the subject of AIDS .
3 Typically , a laudatory essay he wrote was called The Painter of Modern Life on the subject of the illustrator Constantin Guys ; this gifted if minor artist was accurately targeted by Baudelaire as being in the mainstream of contemporary social and political life .
4 It is not Naipaul 's ; it does not constitute the author 's testament or confession on the subject of race relations and the rest of it .
5 And they will undoubtedly object to the more unbridled formulations that enter the three fictions ; the biography of Eliot has plenty to say on the subject , too , while maintaining a comparative , and suitable , reserve .
6 In order to find out more of what this writer thinks about imitation , we are in a position to consult a work by him where a treatise on the subject is developed at intervals and where he writes in propria persona .
7 Eric is represented as sympathetic , and the counsel he imparts to Patrick on the subject of gender might almost have been imparted by Patrick :
8 Of particular importance to the anti-divorce campaign was a lawyer , William Binchy , who had already produced a book in 1984 on the subject .
9 One last thought on the subject and then basta : they — Moss and McGrindle , etc.
10 And Goldberg , on his pad : If the fool had ever bothered to read what I have written on the subject in the essay on aura and the hour he would not have flailed about as he does here .
11 Our theory — if we are in the business of expounding a theory on the subject of pub design — is that each pub must be treated individually and on its own merits .
12 Mme Pettifer , my man Georges , I think , has consulted with you on the subject of the wines .
13 In truth , I found her rather a pain on the subject and merely parried her constant questions about my job-hunting activities .
14 I also have more than a thought for the people who do have homes but who are living in conditions of appalling squalor , for battered wives and abused children who stay at home because there 's nowhere safe for them to go , and for the husbands who choose to stay with their families in the north rather than abandon them for crazy periods of time because they could find work only in the south , And while we 're on the subject , I 'm sick and tired of listening to government and commerce saying it 's ‘ uneconomic ’ to locate businesses in the north of Britain when we 're currently importing billions of pounds ’ worth of consumer goods from the other side of the world .
15 On the subject of life not being fair , I met someone else who was homeless the other day .
16 Because I became aware of the problems when I first came into gliding , I wrote a booklet on the subject , called Sub-Gravity Sensations and Gliding Accidents ( available from the BGA in the UK and SSA in the USA ) .
17 Do , above all , make time to talk to your son or daughter — particularly if they want to sound you out on the subject .
18 Her involvement in the process of witching and un-witching was the single path to obtaining any information on the subject , for she found she was unable to operate ‘ in the standard situation in which information is exchanged and where the ethnographer may hope to have neutral knowledge … about beliefs and practices ’ ( ibid. 11 ) .
19 This month 's winning letter comes from Donna Davidson who , amidst a big postbag on the subject of Steffi Graf 's popularity , offers her support to the German in an honest and fair way .
20 In the June issue of Woodworker we invited suggestions for moisture meters , following Colin Mill 's article on the subject .
21 The object of the exercise … was not to enhance others ' enjoyment and understanding of Jane Austen , still less to honour t e novelist herself , but to put a definitive stop to the production of any further garbage on the subject .
22 Literature classes with older people can be rewarding ; they bring a longer experience of life to bear on the subject , and often a wide range of reading .
23 In acknowledgement of this , IASC , which comprises the leading world accounting bodies , sent out a separate invitation to interested parties asking for their views on the subject .
24 All that Keay is prepared to say on the subject is that he will continue to coach Middlesex in the county championship .
25 The specialist architectural press ignores this amorphous school of design , while even the Prince of Wales has nothing to say on the subject , reserving his spleen for imaginative buildings that he and so many of his future subjects profess to hate .
26 David Cocks QC , chairman of the Criminal Bar Association , gave a speech on the subject earlier this week to the Bar conference .
27 His was a rolling , jabbing prose , with an undertow of weariness ; the best stuff on the subject somehow steals the speeds of the sport .
28 IN 1730 or thereabouts Hetty , the naughty sister of John and Charles Wesley , wrote some verses on the subject of marriage .
29 While on the subject of meat , we can tell you that the competition to find the best-made sausages in the UK gets under way this Sunday with the defending champion reported to be in sizzling form .
30 ‘ I made one speech on the subject and I 've not referred to it since , and there seems no purpose in doing so . ’
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