Example sentences of "on the surface " in BNC.

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1 At first just a ring of bubbles will gather on the surface of the liquid .
2 The reason is that physically removing a weed , especially a perennial , is quite final , while one hoed out and simply left on the surface can easily root in again , especially in wet weather .
3 Frogs love to bask on the surface of dense aquatic vegetation
4 On the surface this one fitted the bill exactly .
5 By 1875 , the Liverpool physiologist Richard Caton had detected tiny fluctuations in voltages present on the surface of the brains or scalps of monkeys , cats and rabbits .
6 When , for example , a subject fitted with scalp electrodes over the auditory cortex is played a series of brief clicks through headphones and the EEG following each click is averaged so that random fluctuations cancel each other out , what is left is a systematic but complex pattern of electrical waves which is caused by the click in the same way that the waves on the surface of a pond are caused by dropping a pebble into it .
7 But when the edge had dulled it was no problem and on the harder wood a burn mark could be left in a few seconds if very little pressure was applied with the cutter just spinning on the surface .
8 Do they merely glide on the surface as they do in Les Patineurs ?
9 A true dye or stain does not leave anything on the surface that will obscure the grain , unlike a paint which is made by grinding pigments into a binding medium and , because they are opaque , will leave the wood a uniform colour .
10 In recent years the situation has become confused , because there are now exterior wood stains available , which differ from a true dye or stain , as they leave a coloured film on the surface of the wood and do not require another finish to be applied over them .
11 It is advisable to apply three coats of oil to new wood , and as oiling does not leave a thick protective film on the surface ( as does a varnish ) , exterior wood has to be re-oiled at least once a year to keep the surface in good condition .
12 When the first coat is dry , lightly sand with fine glasspaper or wet and dry paper to remove any nibs or particles of dust which may have settled on the surface .
13 The alternative to burying cable in the walls is to run it on the surface in mini-trunking , and then use surface-mounted light switches .
14 The dust extraction system is quite efficient ; it certainly keeps a lot of the dust out of the air , but there is still quite a bit of dust on the surface of the workpiece after you finish sanding .
15 You hold the machine on the surface and gradually tilt the blade downwards to saw through .
16 He was altogether more interested , on the surface at any rate , in what he found there than in what he could observe of people and events around him .
17 On the surface of his mind lies the contrast between a trivial though tormenting fear and a monstrous scheme ; and beneath that contrast appears a positive contradiction : for a few sentences earlier we have been told ‘ He was not really afraid of any landlady ’ .
18 A toneless , disjunctive fact , droll and very uneasy , one of those amputated thoughts I have just mentioned and –so a sensation , a crawling sensation of the time being out of joint ; there is more Hamlet to The Possessed than what is personal to Stavrogin , ‘ the Prince ’ as he first appears , though on the surface of his mind Dostoevsky evidently meant Prince Hal , not the Prince of Denmark .
19 On the surface it would appear superior to Classes A and B.
20 In the last of these veins , Harman acknowledges , ‘ The problem , on the surface at least , is the persistence , the seriousness , with which an intelligence of this order employs devices that seem to be at best witty and at worst trivial . ’
21 The resulting explosion had the dead and stunned fish floating on the surface of the water , a procedure I had practised a few times in the Highlands , lobbing a grenade into a salmon pool , a dangerous procedure if caught by someone in authority .
22 Pockets of resistance still remained in 1922 , in Tambov , Siberia , Georgia , and Central Asia : seemingly safe areas , like the Smolensk and Kursk gubernii , were not as stable as they seemed to be on the surface .
23 More particularly , Galileo used standard perspective procedures in accounting for the foreshortening of the spots which he claimed in 1613 were on the surface of the sun .
24 They lead a double life , on the surface passive , even servile , but inside they suffer .
25 On the surface their pact is simple enough — Fox willingly teaches Woods about women , and Woods reluctantly teaches Fox about policing .
26 A paper-thin shell of sound wood is left on the surface of the infected timber which shows deep cracks along the grain but rarely across it as may result from dry rot .
27 The original method of making marbled endpapers used oil paints to produce a pattern on the surface of a tank of ‘ size ’ ( a watery , gelatinous mixture ) .
28 Kitty had that facility for slipping the knife in , even when on the surface she might only be talking about the weather .
29 Armstrong seems the least permanently damaged on the surface .
30 How many T's are there on the surface of the ball ?
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