Example sentences of "on the effects " in BNC.

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1 The author is numbingly good on the effects of Arctic weather : ‘ as it left his lips , his breath crystallized , glittered and snowed . ’
2 The meeting , chaired by Mr Michael Portillo , is the first such ministerial discussion on the effects of transport developments on the continent 's climate .
3 But his official estimates of the effects of a 2,500-megaton attack were 36 million deaths on the first day and 72 million by the 60th day , without reckoning on the effects of a breakdown of organized services .
4 An SD digest of reports on the effects of the raids of late May and early June 1943 on towns and cities in western Germany , culminating in a devastating incendiary attack on Wuppertal-Barmen on 30 May , provides an indication of the impact on political attitudes .
5 This is , of course , to start many hares ; while it would be foolish to try to pursue them all in any one study , the concept of a stream of work , held together by a common focus on the effects of organizational difference and permitting the exploration of particular issues as they arise , is a daunting but attractive prospect .
6 After examining the literature on the effects of citizen participation on community work intervention , the paper puts forward an operative model for both researchers and practitioners to measure how the participation of clients can make community work more effective and productive .
7 Thus the scarce research work on the effects of participation on effectiveness is further limited by its inability clearly to define ( and to measure ) what it is studying .
8 After the letter was published in the press during some local elections , the inhabitants decided to continue with the campaign by carrying out research on the effects of these rises on lifestyles .
9 At seven days , we may be able to get some sense out of the graph on the effects of vacuum decompression during the pregnancy , he told himself happily and walked into his crowded office with a spring in his step .
10 ( iv ) Discussion should focus on the effects , in context , of different types of vocabulary , eg archaic , literary , figurative , emotive , dialectal , colloquial , scientific etc. ; of grammatical features such as structural repetition , eg in scripted speeches , advertisements , literary prose , poems etc ; of lexical and grammatical ambiguity ; of the use of grammatical deviance for special effect , eg in advertisements , slogans , poems etc .
11 Morling said the statement by the Tobacco Institute was likely to mislead smokers and nonsmokers on the effects of smoking .
12 The weight of evidence on the effects of predictive accuracy makes it essential to accept some version of the notion that stimulus consequences help determine the level of α .
13 He experimented on the effects of removing the ovaries of rabbits , and speculated extensively , but lacked too many important facts to make much sense of his discoveries .
14 This focuses on the effects of God 's grace within our lives ; the evidence of his Spirit at work in our spirits .
15 His comments on the effects of injecting fresh stock into a subject area ( Chapter 12 ) are illuminating , and his chapter ( 13 ) on bookstock rotation ( exchanges ) is very fully worked out and makes required reading .
16 However , there is data available for the effects of high dose radiation on the human body , and data on radiation hazards is regularly reviewed by the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of the Atomic Radiation ( UNSCEAR ) .
17 However , tests on the effects of a variety of conservation measures , including the incorporation of grass strips in cultivated maize fields and mulching with leaf litter from undisturbed forest , showed that the latter was particularly effective and reduced erosion by more than 90 per cent while , due to the nutrient input , productivity was increased by c. 30 per cent .
18 In fact , a draft of the report of group I — on the effects of acid rain on the environment — has been ready for more than a year .
19 Both the DoI and the 600 Group were keeping their information on the effects of robots on employment to themselves .
20 King comments on the effects in Kenya ; his remarks would apply with few local variants to nearly all the countries visited in our survey :
21 In 1976 Norway held the first international conference on the effects of acidification , and a year later put forward the proposal to set up a convention to control emissions of sulphur dioxide and thereby reduce transboundary pollution .
22 The report surveyed current and past research on the effects of acidification on lakes and rivers .
23 The final report , due in mid-1990 , will include studies on the effects to stratospheric ozone , tropospheric ozone , global warming and acid deposition .
24 To take just one example , the British House of Commons Employment Committee report on the effects of urban development corporations mentions the concept of regeneration eight times in the opening eleven paragraphs , stating that
25 Despite the increased difficulties , trials have been carried out on the effects of homoeopathy in a chronic condition — rheumatoid arthritis .
26 I consider that programme to be by far the best report on the effects of screen violence to be shown in recent years .
27 The argument rests no so much on the supposed responses of individual readers , but on the effects of institutionalising an exclusive teaching of the great works of English literature .
28 The local opposition did not require much effort to undermine state legitimacy on the effects of uranium mining : indeed the state itself contributed strongly to its own delegitimization .
29 The stability of the rural economy may , in part be dependent on the effects of climatic change .
30 Further information came from a nationwide questionnaire on the effects of the shaking .
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