Example sentences of "be looked at " in BNC.

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1 Not an object to be looked at and admired .
2 These matters will be looked at before a firm decision is taken .
3 In order to make some local comparisons with Nikol'skaia , ties between the fifty-nine party cells and the people in Poltava guberniia will be looked at in passing .
4 The special case of a disseminated labour force , the railway and other communications workers , will be looked at for 1922 .
5 Internal movement within the worst-affected areas should be looked at first .
6 Lenin 's attitude , in so far as it is discernible , will be looked at in a moment , but by this time he was more cut off through illness from daily supervision of affairs .
7 But we want swimming pools to be looked at specifically , rather than as just part of the hotel as a whole . ’
8 Hobbes 's systematic conception of politics as dependent on ethics and then , via ethics , on physics , means that his natural philosophy must be looked at first and in most detail .
9 ‘ This is a technology , ’ says the UK Genetics Forum , ‘ which should be looked at from the point of view that if something goes wrong , it ca n't be put right .
10 Power has also to be looked at in the light of engine capacity and tractor weight .
11 For me , I would like to see these all-singing , all-dancing stage sets sold , if they can find anyone who wants them , and there is no doubt the press department of Central Office needs to be looked at closely .
12 At its annual meeting , hastily relocated from the severely damaged Baltic Exchange building , Mr Nicholas Baring , chairman , said in response to a question from a shareholder that such a possibility would be looked at very carefully .
13 That needs to be looked at . ’
14 Some of these comments related to two very important aspects of the Board 's work and deserved to be looked at in a little more detail .
15 The issues must , however , be looked at in a broader context .
16 We are all like pictures that must not be looked at too near . ’
17 Barth was deeply impressed by Anselm 's so-called ‘ Ontological Argument ’ for the existence of God — this argument will be looked at in more detail later — but he interpreted it in a particular way .
18 It must be looked at as a grand community of integrated environment .
19 For this the sore is gently scraped and any fluid that exudes can then be looked at under the microscope .
20 Remember that afterwards you may be making an offer , so a more careful visual inspection must be made at this stage , and the matters only briefly considered on your first visit should be looked at in more depth now .
21 The advice concludes , however , with the observation that ‘ this situation should be looked at sensibly and the prohibition outlined above must not be allowed to jeopardise the patient 's health .
22 People prefer to be looked at while you are talking .
23 the question arises whether , in relation to any particular post , there is adequate potential to meet the needs of the firm , so notwithstanding what might otherwise be a desirable policy of providing career opportunities , this issue needs to be looked at closely .
24 These questions could be looked at within small groups of students .
25 Thus , as with biological theories , crime is seen as pathological ( a disease ) , as something to be looked at from the medical point of view .
26 I wonder why people hung this sort of thing on the wall to be looked at day after day .
27 Localized variations in voting patterns may reflect changing forms of political alignment and voting behaviour ( see Johnston , Pattie and Allsopp ( 1988 ) for a review ) , and electoral politics will be looked at in the next chapter , but here I shall consider the notion of political culture more widely .
28 Whether they come for the day , weekend or week they leave whatever troubles they have at home and come to lie , look and be looked at .
29 To return to the example , if the machine finds that one particular reply to A is especially strong ( leads to an unusually large change in score ) , it remembers that fact , and puts that reply high in the list of plays to be looked at when B and C are examined .
30 The American meteorological craft can not be looked at in isolation : they depend not only on Earth stations but also on processing equipment on the ground that makes sense of the data that the craft provide .
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