Example sentences of "be related [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He believed that all living forms can be related into a single developmental sequence .
2 In practice , he was likely to be related through descent and marriage to any parties to a dispute ; and as an elderly and respected man he might try to prevent the scandal of open quarrelling among close kinsmen .
3 Among the Kwakiutl , discussed above , all objects may be related through a style expressive of an orality in which humankind achieves significance by its place in a universal cycle of devouring and reproduction ( Walens 1981 ) .
4 This state is characterised by a full differentiation of the individual as a person ( through the ego process ) from objects which can then be valued for their own sake and can be related with in both a giving and receiving fashion .
5 sometimes they turn out to be brothers , or cousins , or sometimes not to be related at all . ’
6 A thrusting action should accompany all linear punches and kicks , since it is believed to be related to potential power in a way that a snapping action is not .
7 Thoughts about how the spectacles would appear to me if I moved towards them leftwards must be related in the correct way to thoughts about how they would look if I moved above them to the right ; thoughts about their being artefacts must be related to thoughts about their not existing before a certain time or not coming into existence in the kitchen as the kettle boils .
8 There is no way in which the time of occurrence of an experience can be related to the time of occurrence of a physical event without assuming answers to the questions Libet is asking .
9 Some of these changes will be related to neural processes that have little psychological relevance .
10 Therefore the amount taken needs to be related to the type of job a person has and also the type of training he undertakes .
11 Then again , this passion for wood could be related to a lack of fibre in his diet .
12 This section , describing in accurate seamen 's language a voyage past The Dry Salvages in a fishing boat loaded with ‘ canned baked beans ’ combined Eliot 's own sea knowledge with that of the Gloucester dory fishermen , and bound these up with the ‘ well-told seaman 's yarn ’ of Dante 's Ulysses and with Tennyson 's Ulysses ( who may be related to Gerontion ) .
13 At first thought it may seem strange that the anti-Semite 's outlook should be related to that of the Negrophobe .
14 This view can be related to a number of outstanding features ofthe British political system .
15 Clearly , the existence of timber decay is likely to be related to other shortcomings in the condition of the building and these faults may require rectification in addition to treatment of the timber .
16 This answers Tory demands that the tax should be related to the amount that a household uses local services .
17 Locke 's distinction can be related to earlier ones too .
18 According to a second account , Locke 's ‘ substratum ’ should not be related to such abstract logical questions about the difference between ‘ things ’ and ‘ properties ’ .
19 ‘ I 've been an Overseas ’ Corporation Executive for the last ten years and I 've always been told that the reason the Corporation could n't pay me the salary it paid to Americans doing similar work was because my salary had to be related to British salary scales . ’
20 It also has to have some mechanism by which the latent TL signal is zeroed that can be related to an archaeological or geological event of interest .
21 Other peers in the paternalist tradition , led by the former knight of the shires , Lord Chelwood ( the much-parodied Sir Tufton Beamish ) , planned an amendment which would have required the tax to be related to ability to pay .
22 It needs to be related to their own experience , for then they will understand .
23 The equiangular spiral can be related to the tractrix .
24 The equiangular spiral can be related to the tractrix .
25 These can be related to the master series : 3 , 4 , 6 , 8 , infinity .
26 The disposal price would be related to sales .
27 It was surprising that lack of capital did not figure more prominently in people 's minds as the buildings , labour , and amount and type of land could all be related to this .
28 Although perhaps the paradigm for the village school was some idyllic haven seen on a summer 's day , the report is still a good review of the position and can be related to other parts of Western Europe .
29 As my thesis is broadly supportive of small rural schools , I shall attempt to offer possible solutions to the disadvantages , despite the fact that they must be related to implicit value judgements .
30 A preliminary study has compared social work response and service delivery across organizational types , with the objective of seeing in what ways these differed , and whether any differences could plausibly be related to the factors ( for example of knowledge and skill ) said to distinguish in broad terms the organizational types .
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