Example sentences of "be met [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The primary aim is to provide an authentic analysis of key legal , administrative , and policy themes which can be expected to be met during the development and implementation of a integrated approach .
2 to the British Isles if recommended on medical advice will be arranged by your HCI Representative , the cost of which will be met under this section .
3 for Valuables and Portable Possessions , the balance should not be met under the Household
4 Policy requirements should be met through the development of a constabulary possessing rifles , machine guns and other equipment .
5 Many of these needs such as those for friendship , affection and esteem can only be met through informal networks .
6 ‘ It appears that different technologies imposed different kinds of demands on individuals and organisations and that these demands have to be met through an appropriate form of organisation . ’
7 It is hoped that these objectives can be met through developing airframe inspection techniques as a fully integrated system .
8 He stated that there would be no new taxes or loans to fund the shortfall and that the cost would be met through the sale of state corporations and of the government 's shareholdings in the major commercial banks .
9 Sponsors of the bill suggested that the cost of the latest extension would be met through the use of $2,200 million left unspent during the last fiscal year and of $500 million from an accelerated collection of taxes from large corporations .
10 The £11,000 cost will be met through £4,000 from the parish council , grants and fundraising by the project committee .
11 When I established our environmental objectives in 1990 , I recognised that we had set ourselves some very demanding targets which could only be met through the continuous commitment and effort of everyone involved .
12 If labour requirements can not be met through the more efficient or intensive use of the existing labour force , a great many employers ( almost half ) use temporary or casual labour including former registered dockers made redundant under the Dock Labour Compensation Scheme .
13 In March of the following year Mr Henderson was appointed treasurer of the Building Fund and the cost of the building scheme was estimated at £18,000 a sum which could be met over a period of 7 years .
14 Members of the Jafaar clan and other DEA couriers would arrive at Larnaca with suitcases full of high-grade heroin , white and crystal , and be met off the boat from the Christian-controlled port of Jounieh by officers of the Cypriot Police Narcotics Squad , who then drove them up to the Eurame office in Nicosia .
15 None of these conditions seems to be met as a consequence of the reforms of the 1980s .
16 Do do these criteria operate independently or do they all have to be met to be acceptable ?
17 There was not a herb or flowering plant of any sort to be met on our walks that he did not know , and hardly one that was not invaluable as a remedy for some complaint .
18 No sooner had they arrived in Bermuda than there was the stern challenge of the Irish to be met on the field , a barbecue to be arranged , the All Black cabaret act to be sorted out , the necessary mopeds to be booked , and the '91 brew of the ‘ Dark and Stormy ’ to be tested .
19 You will be met on arrival and given assistance in transferring to your hotel .
20 It is a long way to Talisker , and there are fewer beasts to be met on the river than on the land these days .
21 The idea , the idea of it though and from an auditor 's point of view one of the things they will be looking at is that every one where you wrote when we are not doing this must have a valid reason and a new methodology must be met on how you are going to cover that particular aspect and that must be authorised .
22 You can be met at Truro BR station or Newquay airport .
23 They arranged to be met at New York airport by armed security guards , who carried their load to a safe-deposit vault .
24 This is despite the recommendation of a complaints review panel that his needs would best be met at Milton Heights , a Home Farm Trust home which charges £9,000 a year .
25 If your special request can only be met at an additional cost , that cost will either be invoiced to you prior to the departure or should be paid for by you locally whilst abroad .
26 And there was plump , placid , erotically drained Stuart beside me , looking so fucking … blithe , pretending it was nice to be met at the airport , and probably thinking about how he was going to claim back some Danegeld on the unused half of their return billets from Gatwick to Victoria .
27 First night 's accommodation is prebooked for you and arrangements will be made for you to be met at the airport on arrival and transferred to your hotel .
28 I was told by the FO in London that I would be met at Johannesburg airport — since British aircraft could not land in Rhodesia while UDI existed — and would be conveyed to the British Consulate there where I could have a rest .
29 As the Foreign Office was still trying to maintain the secrecy of my visits , it was determined that on this occasion I would be met at Johannesburg airport and driven by road to the Rhodesian border where I would be picked up and conveyed by the Rhodesian authorities .
30 National guarantees can not possibly take account of this variation , and standards can often only be met at a cost elsewhere .
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