Example sentences of "be carried on " in BNC.

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1 can a radically different work still be carried on under a single heading or department when there is not just diversity of approach but more serious and fundamental differences about the object of knowledge ( despite overlapping of the actual material of study ) ?
2 They are planning a 100 per cent digital phone system that will enable voice images and data to be carried on the line .
3 Young may be carried on the snout of the mother if they are in distress ( or stillborn ) , a behaviour that is also sometimes extended to humans in distress .
4 Their liberated lives could not be carried on in the child-centred suburbs .
5 You leapt for the cleaner banks and I allowed myself to be carried on by the filth of deceit , of shame , and of a guilt that even now I can not put into public or private words .
6 In the mean time , the Forest administration was to be carried on as usual .
7 Some improvement might be effected in these situations if the critical jobs to be carried on , in the event of illness , could be identified and training provided for those likely to be left to carry on .
8 Few people nowadays prefer to walk to their objective if they can be carried on wheels , and Fell End Clouds is so remote from centres of population that visitors invariably arrive by car .
9 Pottery materials continued to be carried on the canal until the 1960s .
10 Mrs Southey had asked Sarah to visit so they could ‘ talk over the American affair ’ , and it may by then have seemed inevitable to Sarah that she too would be carried on the Pantisocratic tide .
11 It had to be within access of the studios so that normal work could be carried on by those participating in the scheme .
12 CAMEO is designed to be carried on emergency vehicles and has undergone successful on-scene field trials with the Seattle Fire Department .
13 They may only be carried on with the local authority 's consent , and
14 ‘ Where the processes carried on or the machinery installed are such as could be carried on or installed in any residential area without detriment to amenity of that area by reason of noise , vibration , smell , fumes , soot ash , dust or grit ’ .
15 On the one hand , the memorandum of association must qualify the company 's ability to provide surveying services , to the effect that such business must be carried on at all times in accordance with the Rules of Conduct for the time being of the RICS .
16 Notwithstanding their absences , the day-today business of government had to be carried on and it was left to Ministers of the Crown to do this , noting their resolutions and decisions for later transmission to the monarch .
17 The station was filled with hissing steam engines ( well , it was some time back ) and one decided to belch , steam and whistle just as we passed , thus managing to blow the youngest daughter 's mind , who demanded to be carried on the spot — and at frequent intervals during the rest of the adventure .
18 Perhaps I think it beneath my dignity to let myself be carried on the spontaneous flood , employing my divine gift of reason only to navigate on the course of greatest awareness .
19 Could a related business activity be carried on within one area of the shop by any of the family members without registering for VAT ( the turnover of this activity is expected to be low ) ?
20 Subject to the above , the related activity could be carried on within one area of the shop by any of the family .
21 S 69 , FA 1985 , which replaced ss 124 , 125 , CGTA 1979 , and is itself now part of the Taxation of Capital Gains Act 1992 , makes it clear that , in connection with a retirement relief claim , a disposal of business assets is a disposal of the whole or part of a business , or a disposal of one or more assets which , at the time at which a business ceased to be carried on , were in use for the purposes of that business .
22 A partnership practice that operated from two offices ceased to be carried on when the partnership was dissolved and the two main equity partners continued as sole practitioners from their respective offices .
23 These from the castle will be more powerful , with longer range than any that can be carried on shipboard .
24 Therefore we pray that a new spirit may be born in our midst this morning and that we may be carried on its tide to the work of national reconstruction .
25 Most departments had their offices , though there were constant difficulties about telephones and electricity supplies , and very little in the way of fans ; communications between departments had to be carried on by messenger , for internal postal services were taking time to be reorganised .
26 In the cyclic natural scheme of things some kind of decay is essential , otherwise not only would the earth be cluttered with the stems of most of the plants which have ever lived , but most of the world 's supply of carbon would be locked up in cellulose so that life could not be carried on .
27 A 45m or 50m rope should be carried on all climbs , even though only short sections are used when moving together .
28 Up to 2,200lb of bombs could be carried on underwing racks .
29 It will be about twice as long as the goods brake and , as Colin 's article states , it will be carried on No. 5 's bogies and used as a mobile shop/ticket office/refreshment car .
30 The crew will be volunteers from the Midlands and a special headboard will be carried on the front of the locomotive , one of the Ffestiniog 's unique double engines .
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