Example sentences of "be considered for " in BNC.

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1 Membership of Equity , then , is no guarantee of employment — it simply gives the member a chance to be considered for the work that is available .
2 The 18 later left the building after being assured they would be considered for emigration .
3 When the Australians arrived in 1989 , he seemed scarcely to be considered for the leadership , and appeared to have few advocates beyond the purlieus of Chelmsford and Colchester .
4 ‘ Would you care to explain to the committee why you are considering the UK in your short list of countries to be considered for the new investment proposals .
5 Mark takes the view that if the UK is not to be considered for other than economic reasons , then that 's a matter for the committee and the Corporation to decide .
6 Mr Van de Velde stresses than any player not fit enough to play in the first round of the Premiership on April 26 will not be considered for the final .
7 Anyone wishing to present a paper should submit a title and brief synopsis ( 100 words ) together with an indication of the symposium it should be considered for , to Dr John F. Gibson , secretary ( scientific ) , RSC , not later than Monday 27 April 1992 .
8 It would therefore never be considered for women who believe they have a normal pregnancy .
9 Potentially suitable suppliers are approached at this stage with an invitation to be considered for a supply relationship .
10 If you 'd like to be considered for selection , answer the following five questions clearly and concisely ( please type double-spaced on A4 paper ) and fill in the entry form below .
11 In practice these will not all be considered for every title .
12 But whether it is superseded by a new work or not , any book of a popular or educational nature which is clearly out of date should be considered for discard .
13 I was dragged out of my bed one morning when I was in A Division , and at that time unless you passed your life-saving exams in the water , you could n't be considered for promotion .
14 Larger parties of up to 100 persons will be considered for the 11.00 p.m. sitting .
15 Incisor loss can be considered for all rodents regardless of taxonomic group , but there are differences in molar loss between voles , lemmings and some cricetids ( Otomyinae ) which often have unrooted teeth , and murids and other cricetids , which have rooted teeth .
16 Also , the scale of the problems tends to be smaller ; for example , there are , typically , far fewer anaphors than phonemes in a sentence , and fewer focused candidate referents for a pronoun than ( in a large-vocabulary application ) candidate words to be considered for a given portion of speech .
17 In order to be considered for admission to a first degree or DipHE course at the University of Ulster , candidates should be in a position to satisfy :
18 Students accepted on to the Diploma in Social Work will be considered for payment of fees by the Department of Health and Social Services only if they are allocated a quota place by the University .
19 Exceptionally , candidates with other qualifications will be considered for admission to the course .
20 Applicants wishing to be considered for the Postgraduate Certificate in Education must however have GCE ‘ O ’ level or GCSE passes in both English Language and Mathematics at grade C or better ( or equivalent qualifications ) .
21 However applicants wishing to be considered for the Postgraduate Certificate in Education must have GCE ‘ O ’ level or GCSE passes in both English Language and Mathematics at grade C or better ( or equivalent qualifications ) .
22 Applicants offering qualifications other than those acceptable for an honours degree will be considered for entry to the ordinary degree .
23 Applicants offering qualifications other than those acceptable for the honours degree will be considered for entry to the ordinary degree .
24 At the end of the first or second year of the course students may be considered for transfer to the BSc Hons/Ord Computing at Coleraine , on the basis of academic performance ( see page 162 ) .
25 The concept of ‘ development themes ’ was central to our thinking Once these were identified , suitable approaches could be considered for different ages and stages in the curriculum and ‘ topic webs ’ produced .
26 A letter will not be considered for publication unless accompanied by the sender 's name and address .
27 The criterion here is that if the publication is published and on sale it should be considered for purchase .
28 As a responsive composite ‘ biomaterial ’ , a biosensor is rather special , not only in the complex , multiple alliance of the materials in any individual device , but also in the wide range of materials that must be considered for the many types of transduction systems .
29 Those who would like to be considered for the 1992 placement should send their curriculum vitae , together with a covering letter explaining why they feel they would benefit from the scheme , and enclosing samples of written work , to Chemistry in Britain at the RSC , Burlington House , Piccadilly , London W1V 0BN .
30 There are many different reasons for being alone and equally different needs to be considered for the people who find themselves in this position .
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