Example sentences of "be provided by " in BNC.

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1 This can be provided by the magic power or words , such as inscribing prohibitions into the nation 's constitution , and by manifestations of the divine in terms of either retribution for failing to uphold the truth , or grace for upholding the truth , with rewards ‘ such as oil finds and victories in the World Championships ’ .
2 General light can also be provided by recessed ceiling lights ( either downlighters , which give a pool of light , or eyeball spotlights , where the beam is adjustable ) , or tracklights attached to the ceiling , fitted with spots , spotlight clusters and flush-fitting ceiling lights .
3 If assistance was needed it should be provided by the courts themselves , by Citizens Advice Bureaux or by similar agencies .
4 In the minority of cases where representation was really needed it should be provided by ‘ para-legals ’ , able to charge less , in line with their lower qualifications and overheads .
5 Modern science is critically dependent on high-performance computing ; studies of the world 's changing climate , structural engineering , and medical imaging simply could not have progressed to their present state without access to the sort of computing power that can only be provided by parallel machines .
6 He admitted that this financial capacity would be provided by fewer underwriting members .
7 Freedom , variety , and debate may have to be provided by open access into existing news products ( existing papers , existing television networks ) and by variety and debate within these products .
8 An increasing proportion of these services will be provided by local communities on a fee-paying basis .
9 Safety cover was to be provided by combat support boats from the Support Squadron .
10 Lasting immunity can be provided by then vaccinating the infant at 6 , 10 and 14 weeks of age with DPT vaccine .
11 The money would be provided by government .
12 The first step was to check the cost of the in-house services against that which could be provided by private contractors .
13 The second pension could be provided by an expanded pensions industry .
14 The case for abolishing SERPS altogether and for second pensions to be provided by funded schemes in the private sector remains powerful .
15 The most brilliant blues can be provided by Salvia patens and from the morning blooming Commenlina coelestis , both of which flower all summer and are easy from seed .
16 The Prime Minister , a Chelsea supporter , believes that much of the cash needed can be provided by changes to the Pools Levy and the proposed national lottery .
17 All the food we need will be provided by monster underground funguses producing a regular crop of mushrooms without human assistance .
18 MUSICAL entertainment at the Rumbelows Cup final is to be provided by the band of the Royal Corps of Transport .
19 A planned scheme for WEA village lectures , to be provided by some of Newlove 's students , foundered with his illness and were abandoned .
20 Answers to these and related questions can be provided by palaeoecological studies involving reconstructions of the floristic , vegetational , and by inference , environmental history of the Outer Hebrides from pollen and macrofossil ( seeds , fruits , wood remains , etc. ) analyses of peats and loch sediments .
21 He proposed that the links should ‘ be provided by the Corporation , and the Town Council be charged to do it ’ .
22 In the meantime however , no caddies would be provided by the Club on the Sabbath .
23 Thus the guidance given to governors by DES Circular 11/87 that , although it is expected that at least some sex education would be provided by the school , they have freedom to decide whether or not sex education should be offered should now be revised .
24 If the parents reject the child , this care will have to be provided by the state .
25 As with many of the city 's churches , San Nazaro was gutted by fire in the early Middle Ages , when light could only be provided by open flames and work on roofs meant using braziers to melt lead .
26 The following years saw the surviving water wheels replaced by a turbine , the power continuing to be provided by the Soudley Stream , much water coming from the Soudley Ponds as well as the Shakemantle Iron mine .
27 There was a clear call for antenatal care to be provided by G.P. ( 22% ) or midwife ( 26% ) or shared care ( 36% ) .
28 The third need of soil life is food , which can be provided by the return of organic waste in the forms of rotting vegetation from the plant cover , farmyard manure , compost , or from green crops specially grown and ploughed in .
29 This is a far cry from the procedures under the Police Act 1964 , where mutual aid may be provided by one force to another , but only after a request from the latter .
30 Any additional endowment cover you may require with HeadStart 531 can be provided by Sun Life , one of the UK 's most respected life assurance companies .
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