Example sentences of "be prepared [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Your local farmer may be prepared to hire out equipment , such as this post rammer , to divide up your paddock
2 To secure your rights , be prepared to respond rapidly when problems occur .
3 The health committee , representing all parties , rightly insists the DoH be prepared to respond to shortfalls in funding , widely believed to be a £135 million deficit , and should have contingency funding available to respond to any crises .
4 Not all buyers conform to this theoretical plan , however , and the salesperson should be prepared to close even if his planned sales presentation is incomplete .
5 Would Chloe be prepared to pose with our new toys in glossy American mags ?
6 Institutional shareholders have told Sir Derek they would not be prepared to tolerate the introduction of a large minority shareholder on favourable terms .
7 The importance of symptom control in this context can not be ignored since few adults would be prepared to tolerate long periods of disability from hearing loss , otalgia , or otitis media .
8 We are told by the Government that we must be prepared to tolerate environmental devastation and a senseless waste of more than £1,000 million worth of extra public money because the Ove Arup route is necessary if prosperity is to come from the regeneration of east London and the east Thames corridor .
9 No morally and intellectually well educated people will be prepared to tolerate despotism rather than democracy .
10 Many people who know that they may die in such circumstances wish to discuss the procedure beforehand , and it is possible that the authorities concerned may be prepared to do this .
11 We , as jurymen , must listen to one set of evidence only and be prepared to do our own mental cross-examination .
12 Also give them the opportunity to wash their bottom , but be prepared to do this for them if they are unable to .
13 To see whether you 'd be prepared to do a little rap over the track , the two of you , some kind of scripted chat .
14 Whatever you say , you must be prepared to do ; it is n't a game of bluff .
15 And then if we would find totally unacceptable we certainly would n't be prepared to do that
16 B Find out more about the type of surgery performed on your ward , ask questions and be prepared to do some reading to help your understanding .
17 It is clear from the decision that they would only be prepared to do this in clear cases of abuse of power and would impose a much higher standard than in the case of an exercise of statutory power .
18 A : hello Mr Parkin this is Guy Cook here B : yes A : er do you remember um sending us a er an estimate for electrical repairs * for a hundred and fifty pounds * well I 've er just had a word with the Electricity Board with an engineer called Mr Golding and he tells me that the er the list of jobs you gave us unless there 's any special circumstances should not be more than around one hundred pounds B : oh * A : well he said he 'd have to look at it of course but er is there some special reason why you thought it would cost more A : well would you be prepared to do it for the price he quoted B : no A : well why not B : I ca n't afford it not with my wages and overheads £ I have A : well £ why should I pay an extra fifty pounds if I can get it done cheaper * B : well if you can do that * do
19 Officers must be prepared to do the unexpected to pre-empt the possibility that a polluter will effect a short-lived remedy for their benefit .
20 Whilst , however , it clearly follows that we have jurisdiction to entertain this application , it is a good deal less clear that we should be prepared to do so .
21 This is what we must be prepared to do if we are to achieve the vision of educational integration that reflects the kinds of values that deaf people would wish to see perpetuated .
22 I tried to think what I might be prepared to do to achieve this and concluded almost anything .
23 ‘ You 'd be prepared to do that ? ’
24 Revolution was in the minds of some of those people , together with the nagging doubt , despite the talk of Trotsky and Guevara , Mao and Marcuse , that the supposed motor of revolutionary change in the west — or Eastern European bloc — the workers , would not be prepared to do anything about it .
25 It 's probably you know better me to do that and make certain erm But if , if , if you were here , would anybody be prepared to do that ?
26 Sounds an exciting trip , really fabulous trip , and it will mean of course , seeing you will be li live on air , that we have to give you a little audition , so the finalists , have to be prepared to do an audition with me , live on air , just before Christmas .
27 But both are things we must be prepared to do on occasion , and both are preferable to staying at home and watching a lot of odious rubbish on television .
28 ‘ I might be prepared to do that , ’ conceded Zeinab , dusting the powder from her fingers .
29 erm I know it 's easy to say but I was prepared to anyone says which is obviously you know what I 'd be prepared to do
30 Well I can tell Oh I can tell them wh In fact I would be prepared to do that .
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