Example sentences of "be blame [prep] " in BNC.

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1 During a recession , the public can not be blamed for watching pennies in the hope that pounds wo n't disappear quite so quickly , but most Britons eat to live rather than living to eat , no matter how the economy is doing .
2 Specialised materials , which Tootal promised would be an engine of growth , has yet to prove its worth , though continued heavy investment could be blamed for a 40 per cent fall in profits .
3 Sir Derek , however , sat tight , believing that he should not be blamed for the £215m fraud perpetrated against the company .
4 If a single economic statistic can be blamed for the recent slide towards panic it is the balance of payments figures .
5 Having spent many years arguing for government support for the British fashion industry — and getting nowhere — she can not be blamed for opting to manufacture and show abroad .
6 The two-month blockade by Azerbaijan could not be blamed for everything .
7 To nudge Serbia , which can be blamed for much of the recent trouble , towards better conduct , and to discourage any thought of an army coup , the United States earlier this month cut off aid to Yugoslavia .
8 He believes that Augustinian thought is largely to be blamed for the split between Christian morality and nature .
9 Namely , whatever action the company took , it would be blamed for the ensuing conflict .
10 Furthermore , while ‘ logically ’ it might appear that at least from summer 1941 only Hitler could be blamed for the extension and prolongation of the war , a sufficient platform had been constructed by years of propaganda and ideological indoctrination to buttress the transfer of the blame to Germany 's external enemies — the Bolsheviks , the Jews , the British , the Americans — or to internal incompetence , naturally stopping short of the Führer , as when Field Marshal von Brauchitsch was made the scapegoat for mistakes in strategy and provisioning on the eastern Front in the winter of 1941–2 .
11 Politicians can not reasonably be blamed for all this .
12 Mr Ashdown said he could be blamed for forcing a second election , but he was seeking PR because it was central to a coalition that would ensure a stable government .
13 But while Mr Smith campaigned well , he may in hindsight come to be blamed for Labour 's catastrophic defeat .
14 But as we talked the matter over , I thought I heard , in the background , a droning unbodied voice explain that the robbers were young , socially deprived victims of the Thatcherite era of greed and exploitation , not to be blamed for acquiring , by unorthodox means , some of the luxury goods they had heard of from capitalist advertisers who had wickedly aroused their consumerist aspirations .
15 It is a cruel irony that the man who has done most to reform the party and its policies , taking it to within a whisker of power , should be blamed for its failure to make the final leap to power .
16 Shilton could not be blamed for the 2–0 defeat and made one superb tackle , denying Angell 15 yards outside his box .
17 I ca n't be blamed for that .
18 Nobody could be blamed for thinking the worst .
19 The poor are in reality simply experiencing the effects of inequality and can indeed be blamed for their condition .
20 If this does occur there is a danger that womens ' movements will be blamed for the rise in the female crime rate , and that this may be used to argue against further female emancipation .
21 Paul Murdin , who is in charge of the Isaac Newton telescope at its new site at La Palma , believes it is unfair for today 's operators of the telescope to be blamed for past errors .
22 There are only so many different varieties of coat colour for moggies , and if the family cat was a tabby , or a black cat with a white flash on its chest , then the owners are not to be blamed for thinking that their long-lost friend has finally found its way home .
23 Can he be blamed for believing that the only things which exist are himself and the table ?
24 Children who were required to go out to work at fourteen , that is , the great majority of British teenagers , could hardly be blamed for assuming the right to lead their lives as they saw fit .
25 I doubt whether the introduction of Water Lilies can be blamed for the problem either .
26 John Major and Chris Patten know that , if the Tories lose office , they will be blamed for fighting a negative campaign , for failing to create a Conservative vision for the nineties .
27 His unspoken message was : ‘ If you do n't do a deal with me , you will be blamed for the economic chaos that will result . ’
28 Waugh himself ca n't be blamed for the wrenching out of a context that might have helped us to understand whether he is referring to unhappy women , rendered so by not being content with their lot , or men , who are now being forced to lend a hand with the Hoover .
29 Whether Arnold could be blamed for the fire , Mr Reynolds could not be sure , but his comings and goings certainly seemed to leave a trail of mystery and unease .
30 but on the occasions that we are concerned with none of The Society 's locos had been in steam so therefore can not be blamed for the incident .
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