Example sentences of "be in touch " in BNC.

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1 I 'll be in touch when I return .
2 ‘ I 'll be in touch .
3 ‘ We 'll be in touch . ’
4 I 'll be in touch shortly to tell you what we 've cooked up .
5 If these are thought to be appropriate for the person you are going to be in touch with , then the local Christian bookshop will undoubtedly stock a range .
6 We 'll be in touch .
7 It is an excellent example of the pointlessness of so much intelligence work , often conceived in the looking-glass world of make-believe where no one seems to be in touch with the real world outside , or to even consider the consequences of their ludicrous ideas .
8 He needs also to be in touch with people and the rest of the world so that he can watch , listen to conversations , spot physical characteristics , observe himself and others together , understand the way we think and live now .
9 I will be on location for the next two weeks but will be in touch with you shortly afterwards to arrange a meeting — preferably in London — during July .
10 We will be in touch before then to give you details of where in Lincoln 's Inn Fields to meet the crew on Friday morning .
11 I 'll be in touch asap .
12 ‘ I will be in touch with you by nine this morning .
13 ‘ Mrs Blackler of the agency advised me that you would be in touch . ’
14 ‘ Just one letter in which she said , among other things , that she probably would n't be in touch again .
15 Of course , when I have firm news I 'll be in touch immediately .
16 In 1974 VHF radio was introduced to one-man trams and buses , so that crews could be in touch with the controller and he could contact the line inspectors .
17 Getting older often means a reaching-back to beginnings , and you may yearn to return to the place of your origins , or to be in touch with old friends or relatives far away .
18 Before entering , he turned to Nigger , ‘ Do n't forget , ’ he said , tapping his nose , ‘ I shall be in touch . ’
19 ‘ I 'll be in touch , ’ he said vaguely and though it was a long time before she would admit it to herself Sally knew it was all over .
20 This child fails to learn to be in touch with feelings and to form requests .
21 ‘ We had no call to be in touch with Uzum Hasan after that .
22 I have a busy schedule for the next few days , so I may not be in touch .
23 Do remember to be in touch with Sister Felicity , who is anxious to help the programme forward .
24 He will also be in touch with all the local voluntary services for the elderly and disabled , whose help he can raise .
25 I 'll be in touch . ’
26 If yours is the first winning entry out of the hat then we 'll be in touch right away .
27 If you 're one of the lucky twelve winners , we 'll be in touch
28 When thinking how to act , I am in the world of common sense where something either is or is not , and where it is a matter of course that I can be in touch with it through highly subjective impressions .
29 Among other metaphors there is a rich cluster based not on sight but on touch , some likewise submerged in Latin etymologies ( ‘ conceive ’ , ‘ apprehend ’ , ‘ comprehend ’ , from concipio ‘ seize together ’ , apprehendo ‘ grasp ’ , comprehendo ‘ grasp together ’ ) , others overt ( ‘ be in touch ’ , ‘ grasp ’ something , ‘ catch on ’ to it , ‘ get the point ’ , ‘ feel ’ that it is ‘ palpably ’ true ) .
30 We will think about it , and be in touch . ’
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