Example sentences of "be in love " in BNC.

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1 I want to be In Love .
2 What would it be like to be In Love with Dionne rather than just loving her ?
3 Sometimes , like now , she wondered if Francis knew what it was be in love .
4 Well , darling , I do want to be In Love .
5 There is nothing a woman wants so much as to be in love , and the odds are very much against two ‘ right ’ people ever finding each other .
6 A New York commodities broker turned artist , JEFF KOONS now claims to be in love with Cicciolina , the Italian porn star turned controversial politician .
7 Their parents , the authorities and everyone else thought they were too young to be in love , too young to really cope with adult responsibilities .
8 Being in love with God helps us immensely to be in love with our partner .
9 A few boys asked her out but never the right ones , never the ones she wanted to ask her , and Sally began to wonder how two people ever came to be in love with one another at the same time .
10 ‘ Not really , but on lovely days you 're suddenly overwhelmed with longing to be in love again . ’
11 I would have to be in love with someone to do that .
12 For a sexual relationship you should be in love and ready .
13 But I think it 's permissible to be in love with Doris Day when you 're twelve .
14 Lucille noted how the girl refused all partners but that one man and she felt a surge of sympathy because she knew the girl must be in love , just as she herself was in love .
15 So that when we subsequently read 70 : ‘ That thou art blam 'd shall not be thy defect , /For slander 's mark was ever yet the fair ’ , with its conclusion that the suspicion of the Friend 's evil is in fact desirable since otherwise the whole world would be in love with him , then we can supply our own ironic commentary .
16 Then he 'll see there 's no point fooling around and pretending to be in love with me .
17 I think truly , he thinks I must be in love with him , and he does n't want to complicate things . "
18 In Cambridge she quickly established herself as a cult figure of mysterious portent : she claimed to be in love with her brother , whom nobody had ever seen , and went in for gnomic utterances and baroque clutter .
19 Here for instance is her rendering of Emma Woodhouse 's thoughts , having just received a most unwelcome proposal of marriage from Mr Elton whom she had supposed to be in love with her protégée , Harriet , as a result of her own matchmaking contrivances :
20 I think its just an extreme form of friendship , you 've become extremely friendly with somebody and it can be kind , in love with your , with your girlfriend it do n't have to be in love with your boyfriend , you can have you know some body who 's a same sex and you 've got the same feelings towards them
21 Where , where do you find love ? , if their are people out watching this programme tonight who would actually rather be in love
22 Compeyson is the man who pretended to be in love with her . ’
23 ‘ I think I want to be in love with you but I do n't know how .
24 It was easy for me to pretend to be in love with the Princess .
25 I think he may still be in love with this English girl , Madeleine . ’
26 You ca n't be in love with two people and I have n't forgotten your English girl , even if you have .
27 Well , she asked me to kiss her , which of course I did , and then she said maybe she would n't marry him ; that she thought she might be in love with me .
28 So that is how an unknown , unpublished provincial chooses to thank a celebrated Parisian poet ( with whom he claims to be in love ) for her words of praise .
29 The truth was that she did n't want Sam to be in love : not seriously in love with an older man , and the boy in the bistro was n't really a boy at all , being at least twenty-two .
30 We think we might be in love and we 're trying out the words to see if they 're appropriate ?
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