Example sentences of "be in need " in BNC.

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1 ( Everyone in Cornwall who supported King Charles planted a Scots pine outside his house as a sign of welcoming like-minded passers-by who might be in need of protection .
2 This is , of course , a time of smokescreens so far as the Masters is concerned and to hear some of the Europeans talk over the last few days , they appear to be in need of the psychiatrist 's couch as much as anything .
3 When we use the words , ‘ brothers ’ and ‘ sisters ’ we usually mean the people in our immediate families , but it can also mean other people in the world who might be in need of our help .
4 An exhaustion centre is what she will soon be in need of .
5 In the later Republic and early Empire Greek artists were brought to Rome to design buildings appropriate for the display of booty , to repair old sculptures and make new ones for these and other structures , and to restore decaying old temples , once venerated for their wooden and terracotta statues , but now seen to be in need of renovation .
6 Yet it never occurred to John , as his mother aged , that she might be in need of any help , until a visitor from Johannesburg , who had known him as a boy , told him that she was hard up , after which lie made her an allowance .
7 Her day will probably be crammed with essential tasks ; an older child may well be feeling jealous and therefore be in need of more attention than usual ; money may be in short supply — and time certainly will be .
8 Yet many small and medium companies can not give very much in the way of resources and may be in need of a great deal for themselves .
9 The mouth may be in need of care if a person has suffered from one or more of the following :
10 Crondall seemed to be in need of a Pied Piper to answer the problem of an increasing rat population in a rubbish dump near the recreation ground .
11 Should the soil be in need of replenishment all the vines are grubbed up and the land left to fallow for a few years before new vinestock are planted and the entire cycle begins again .
12 Although the effects of loss vary from one individual to another , on the whole it seems that men tend to fare a little better in bereavement than women , and fewer of them are found to be in need of psychiatric treatment for chronic grief and depression .
13 If , on the other hand , your elderly parent shows a quite uncharacteristic withdrawal from her normal concern for you and for others and is totally obsessed in an agitated fashion with herself and her own troubles , over a long period , you should begin to wonder if , in fact , she is suffering from a true depressive illness and may be in need of medical help .
14 The Social Work ( Scotland ) Act 1968 says that where a child has been detained in a place of safety , and the Reporter considers that the child may be in need of compulsory measures of care , he shall , wherever practicable , arrange a children 's hearing to sit not later than in the course of the first lawful day after the commencement of the child 's detention to consider the case .
15 Although Piers Place was the most beautiful house I had owned or ever would own , it always seemed to be in need of structural repairs , there was a large attic floor which we did n't need ourselves and yet were disinclined to furnish for renting out , and the traffic on the main road outside seemed to increase with every year .
16 Some still retained private property as is evidenced by the fact that they met in private houses and that they would sell their assets if people were seen to be in need .
17 Is it really so difficult for a technologically innovative and ingenious society such as ours to support seventeen in every thousand , even if all seventeen were to be in need of continuous personal care ( as clearly they will not be ) ?
18 Four were thought not to have abused their children , but still to be in need of social work intervention , while 16 were considered to have abused their children but there was no unequivocal evidence that they had done so .
19 " The roof did not actually leak very much before it was taken in hand to be repaired : but is now reported to be in need of more repairs . "
20 " Might you be in need of some darnel seed by any chance ? "
21 Those authorities most likely to be in need of raising additional finance will be those with large numbers of people on low incomes living within their boundaries .
22 The argument purporting to justify induction is circular because it employs the very kind of inductive argument the validity of which is supposed to be in need of justification .
23 She turned and put an arm round Pascoe 's neck , as if he might be in need of comfort .
24 Now , she decided , if ever she had that kind of money , she would first ensure that her family would never again , for as long as they lived , be in need .
25 The provisions of the 1990 National Health Service and Community Care Act make the following statutory requirements of case managers : ‘ Where it appears to a local authority that any person for whom they may provide or arrange for the provision of community care services may be in need of any such services , the authority ( a ) shall carry out an assessment of his needs for those services and ( b ) having regard to the results of that assessment , shall then decide whether his needs call for the provision by them of any such services . ’
26 Organisations with charitable status operating in a particular field often acquire knowledge and expertise which can prove extremely valuable to individuals who may be in need of that sort of advice .
27 She may be in need of advice — or perhaps financial help .
28 However , in the family situation , girls above 16 may well be in need of the law 's protection .
29 However , he cared little about his life at this time , and it was possible that this lone female might be in need of courteous assistance .
30 They must be in need of more than routine maintenance , be part of a pattern of hedgerows visible to the public , valuable to wildlife and/or of historical significance .
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