Example sentences of "be of importance " in BNC.

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1 The exact truth as to material fact ceases to be of importance in art — it is a student 's style — the style of a period when the mind is serene and unawakened to the tragical mysteries of life . ’
2 Although the above description of experimental findings would suggest that exposure of collagen and lipid peroxides due to rupture of the atheromatous plaque could be of importance in thrombogenesis , together with enhanced platelet thromboxane A 2 formation and diminished vessel wall prostacyclin formation , Born has questioned this series of events ( Born , 1983 ) .
3 Their view that the main traditional sources of grievance in industry — salaries , and problems deriving from the nature of the work task and of work organisation — would cease to be of importance as a focus of grievance in continuous-process industries turned out to be unsupported .
4 The international aspect continued to be of importance and was one of the reasons why the Nationalist — a very costly venture — was kept going even when its existence could no longer be justified on any other grounds .
5 The application of regional geochemical maps for land use planning was demonstrated as they indicate areas characterised by major and trace element excesses and deficiencies that may be of importance to the health of crops , animals and directly to humans .
6 Kin may still be of importance when it comes to seeking work or accommodation .
7 Such a body could be of importance for training .
8 In fact , most people in public relations agencies are not highly educated in the fields most likely to be of importance to them in their work .
9 This is fundamental , and will be of importance later , in connection with Quantum Theory , but does not take us very far forward .
10 The young turk of theoretical physics could not have guessed that this very point in classical optics , probed by Wien , was to be of importance in one of the most fundamental papers he was subsequently to write .
11 There are , I believe , two reasons , first that closed territory distribution ( sales outside an area being prohibited ) is normally infeasible and second that the fourth externality may be of importance .
12 ( d ) Recognise the medium of the message — for example , the style , language , form or mode of expression may in themselves be of importance , and some attempt should be made to convey them in the precis .
13 In The Act of Reading , Wolfgang Iser argues that the literary work should be understood as a means of communication rather than as a representation of the world : ‘ It is a vital feature of literary texts that they do not lose their ability to communicate ; indeed , many of them can still speak even when their message has long since passed into history and their meaning no longer seems to be of importance ’ ( 1978:13 ) .
14 In the case of an off-market transaction it may be of importance to determine the precise legal position of the transferor and transferee pending registration of the transfer which , if there are restrictions on transferability may never occur .
15 Such photographs serve to refresh ones memory when reviewing a case , and also can be of importance evidentially should Court proceedings subsequently be raised .
16 It has therefore been decided to concentrate on purchases in certain areas known to be of importance in Scotland rather than attempt to purchase small amounts in all scientific disciplines .
17 This will further our knowledge of how people recognise everyday stimuli , and may be of importance to the rehabilitation of stroke patients .
18 Such a local social network , its structure and degree of connectedness , is conceived to be of importance in determining the character and level of exchanges between inhabitants involving information , material support , and exchange of services .
19 The calculation and accounting treatment of goodwill will also be of importance to UK based purchasers .
20 The increased uptake in coeliac patients might be of importance of the pathogenesis either by direct toxicity or by presentation to immunocompetent cells .
21 For example , it will be of importance to some tenants ( particularly greengrocers and other shopkeepers ) to know whether they are entitled to trade from a forecourt .
22 Where the landlord is the owner of other property adjoining the demised property , or where the demised property is part only of a building , the date on which the tenancy is expressed to expire may be of importance .
23 Obviously , what is or may be of importance to an employer 's business is a question of fact ; and it was no doubt significant in Swain that S was the general manager , the wrongful employee was the managing director , his conduct was dishonest and it could have had a material effect on the defendant 's business ( labelling meat as " Empire Products " when it was not ) .
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