Example sentences of "be [prep] home " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'll be off home , then , ’ said Philip .
2 ‘ Caspar and me 'll be off home , then , ’ said Lee .
3 We thought he would be off home , and none too keen to make another wasted journey . ’
4 ‘ I must be off home .
5 ‘ They 'd all be off home ! ’
6 " You 'll be after Home Rule for your own country , I expect , " she said .
7 While figures for the year showed an increase in real growth of 2.9 per cent , business investment was down 3 per cent , consumer spending down 0.1 per cent and the growth elements appeared only to be in home purchases and government spending .
8 Erlich was content just to be on home territory .
9 When he saw the cap badges he felt himself to be on home ground .
10 ‘ At first he agreed that he 'd much rather be at home with me .
11 ‘ But you wo n't be at home , will you ? ’
12 ‘ There are times when I wish she could have a couple of years off to bring up her children , be at home with them , and not worry about anything else apart from them and her husband .
13 West Ham will be at home to Derby , for whom their former striker Paul Goddard is such an important figure .
14 What a fine piece of historical irony it would be if from the heart of this wounded part of Europe there were to emerge a politics that would begin to show us how to be at home in the world , decently balancing the requirements of social justice and economic sufficiency , of finite nature and what we call human nature .
15 It was , he felt , just too difficult to be at home at all , with Claudia in a permanently bitchy mood and both his teenage children taking their cue from her and behaving intolerably .
16 She could be at home or she could be up in the wood still .
17 Left to myself I might have tried to persuade , to plead , to wheedle , to say how nice it was going to be at home .
18 Clement 's purpose was to make cultured persons under instruction for baptism , called ‘ catechumens ’ ( by contrast with ‘ the faithful ’ who are the baptized ) , feel that they would be at home in the church .
19 But yes , I would rather be at home if I had the choice .
20 McCann happened to be at home in Derry on a visit when he was invited to take part in a DHAC demonstration .
21 I too desired to be at home , and was glad when we were able to close our own dear front door behind us , and be gathered in to the silence of our little parlour .
22 He 'll be at home now .
23 He said , ‘ So the most I can hope for would be to be at home on a respirator full-time ? ’
24 I wish to be at home with you indeed , indeed-my Joy is only in the bud here I am like that Tree , which fronts me — The Sun shines bright & warm , as if it were summer — but it is not summer & so it shines on leafless boughs .
25 We were sent out in pairs after 6 pm in the evening when all the paterfamilias who were left might be at home , to make a thorough census of the district and ask who might be in a house , when , and what were the provisions for even more serious raiding .
26 Most in the occult would be at home in your local golf club .
27 Men tend to put greater store by their work once there are children ( perhaps because of the burden of being the sole earner , and perhaps because their place at work is not unchallenged in the way it may be at home ) and housework , which before may have been shared equally , often now falls to the woman .
28 Stadtverkehr im Wandel meaning Town traffic in change began by stressing the role of streets in a child 's growth as it learned ‘ to be at home in the town ’ .
29 ‘ How I long to be at home and have some plain food .
30 After school , Mrs Trickett suggested , they would probably be engaged in other activities ; at bedtime perhaps only one parent would be at home , and the children would be tired .
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