Example sentences of "with the family " in BNC.

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1 Under the old method a pensioner , for example , or unemployed teenager , sharing a house with the family was assumed to have a separate , and often lower , income .
2 She is on the floor playing with the family dachshund .
3 But the tenderest difficulty lies with the family if they disapprove .
4 Clothes are made with the family 's approval and love but also so that women can look as their families wish to see them — modest , maternal , self-effacing , or just beautiful on their terms .
5 He had no inkling that Mr Uppal 's relationship with the family was other than he had claimed .
6 In Congress with the family
7 Business fliers fly with the airline that will most quickly give them the necessary coupons to go to , say , Hawaii with the family .
8 With the family reaching working age it seemed sensible to take advantage of the expanding market for organic produce and increase the chances of supporting them all from the farm .
9 Christmas with the family will be a disaster and everyone will get upset ; how ever will I tell them and whatever can I do ? ’
10 Living with the family in Richmond is bewildering , and although I would never admit it I feel as though I have made a big mistake .
11 And they kept in close contact with the family in Wales .
12 At the short uncomplicated inquest on Perkin a week later the coroner found unhesitatingly for ‘ Accident ’ and expressed sympathy with the family .
13 Both the husband and wife might attend , along with the family .
14 This may be because the GP 's previous contact with the family facilitated such contact or that a balance to the GP 's assessment was sought .
15 The experiment did not last , and della Torre rule ended with the family defeat by the Viscontis at the battle of Desio in 1277 .
16 He lived for twenty years with the family as a lodger with meals included : ‘ he had a home with us , all those years . ’
17 Further , an Army section actually helped the occupants of houses threatened with eviction to barricade their homes , and actually stayed with the family for a week to help them resist eviction if need arose .
18 He was not an easy guest ; he arrived in an obvious abstraction of wretchedness and his grandmother , being aware of his growing tendency to argue with the family 's general insistence that out-door exercise was good for whatever ailed one , at first decided to leave him alone to recover .
19 ‘ Around your table ’ converts every ordinary domestic meal , with the family gathered round , into another divine celebration of joy .
20 Down with the family !
21 It will , of course , be located somewhere so obscure that Dougie Donnelly will be required to voice-over a map on a television commercial explaining how you can get there with the family this Sunday .
22 The spark of poetry was kindled in him by an elderly woman who lived with the family and was full of tales of witches and warlocks .
23 This then results in a new set of relationships with the family of the potential partner .
24 So whether you 're dining with the family , lunching with colleagues or relaxing with friends in the bar , your local Beefeater is the ideal choice .
25 They were really much more than just bike rides , for Granny , who lived with the family , had told her the story of St. George and given her books about Brownies , and Brenda rode along the country lanes make-believing she was the knight riding to rescue the princess from the dragon .
26 To cite but one example , William de Moyon , a senior tenant of the Conqueror , brought his name from his place of origin near St Lo in La Manche , and it stayed with the family , transformed in the spoken language to Moon , and in the written to Mohun by way of such variations as Moion , Moione , Moiun , Mooun , Moun , Moune , Mown , Moyn , Moyhun , Moyun , Mahoune , Mahon , Mohum and Mohon .
27 He had become quite friendly with the family — one brother ran the leather , the other the boot and shoe shop .
28 Keeping in touch with the family
29 The eldest boy was endowed with the family name of John and the over-high expectations that the family had for their first sons .
30 She explained that she was often lonely , living in a new district , but did not want to interfere with the family , who had their own lives to lead .
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