Example sentences of "with neither [noun] " in BNC.

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1 His attack on individuals had become increasingly scandalous : he described an elderly Senate colleague as " a living miracle " — the only man who has lived so long with neither brains nor guts " .
2 Is the more optimistic forecast to be made of the dutiful immature girl who has some mildly appreciative responses , knows her books and has paid careful attention to what she has been told to think , but who has few independent ideas and writes with neither firmness nor joy ; or of the mature and independent boy , who may not have studied his notes or perhaps his texts so thoroughly , but who has a sense of relevance , whose judgements are valid , who writes with assurance and betrays in his style … that he has made a genuine engagement with the literature he has encountered ?
3 Scotland 's Jamie Henderson and Elliot Bunney , who are both Auckland-bound , will be there for the sprints , but with neither Brown nor Brian Whittle competing , the 400 metres has lost much of its appeal .
4 Delight in and compulsive desire to dress in the clothing of the opposite sex , must be confused with neither homosexuality nor transsexualism , although it may be a feature in either .
5 They were built with neither nails nor pegs , but merely slotted and lashed together with great precision .
6 In some point groups there are symmetry species which are associated with neither IR nor Raman activity .
7 Blackwood 's did not normally take guests with neither luggage nor reservation , but losing one 's luggage and forgetting one 's hotel , and because of a British airline …
8 With neither Rank nor ABPC willing to undertake adventurous production , the initiative passed to independent companies like John and James Woolf 's Romulus Productions , the Boultings ' Charter Productions and numerous others .
9 As the Uruguayan writer Eduardo Galeano observes : ‘ If what is written is read seriously and to some extent changes or nourishes the consciousness of the reader , a writer has justified his or her role in the process of change : with neither arrogance nor false humility , but with the recognition of being a small part of something vast ’ .
10 We believe a free market in art with neither suppression nor favouritism by government is the best way to foster the cultural revival our country needs .
11 That state of affairs has been exacerbated by recognition that Expo 's own Arts Pavilion ( The Art Newspaper No. 16 , March 1992 , pp. 1,3 ) is unsuitable for art exhibitions , with neither security nor climate conditions in this temporary structure matching international standards .
12 So the charts are riddled with appalling rehashes and reissues and revolting rhymes with neither reason nor sense .
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