Example sentences of "with the story " in BNC.

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1 An eager public woman appealed to him with the story of her cleaning woman , who had proved herself at fault .
2 On with the story .
3 She put her bag with the story on the passenger seat and drove as if it were a newborn baby .
4 Only when they have examined what hands , arms , legs and feet , body and above all the head can do in isolation and then in harmony with the story , theme or music , can they set out and create a style which will be general in structure and particular in texture , with the right quality , mood , emotion , action and character .
5 Greenaway 's camera , to chime with the story 's intensive focus on eating , is fixed at stomach height for most of the film .
6 Victor Saville joined together with the story editor of Gaumont-British and worked out that filmmakers who took all the BBFC 's rules seriously would n't be able to make Cinderella .
7 Yesterday he backed their case with the story of those children lying in the street .
8 When dealing with the story of God 's Garden , we remarked upon the danger which the ancient Israelites associated with holy things .
9 And Evelyn and Sam rushed in with the story .
10 Jonathan Dimbleby tried interruption , thereby revealing his unfamiliarity with the story of Brer Rabbit and the Tar-Baby .
11 Away from the politics , dealers in ICI were humming first thing with the story that the chemicals giant is poised to sell its fibres division to America 's Du Pont for £300m .
12 If Max knew about Modigliani 's private life then all Montparnasse would soon be seething with the story .
13 Easy Rider was the motivation for a lot of things and for those not familiar with the story , it is one of free love and excessive drugs and of American society as perceived by Hopper in 1968 , with some moralistic warnings about drug use and undertones about the consequences of such a lifestyle — but only if you were actually looking for them .
14 ‘ Every time I got them involved with the story , ’ Hopper explained , ‘ I 'd come back at them and say , ‘ Ha , ha , it 's only a movie … ’ ’
15 The top reporters may not be able to spare the time and you could end up with the story being written by someone rather less familiar with the subject , whereas a quick telephone call or fax could mean that the story gets to the person you want .
16 He pressed on with the story :
17 Go on with the story . ’
18 Here then first is a passage from Epictetus to be contrasted with the story of Hamza by Rumi .
19 With the Italian press still buzzing with the story of the Grand Canal assault , Denis Law 's brother Joe arrived for a short holiday from Aberdeen .
20 It was concerned with the story that Archimedes had found a way of discovering if a crown made for King Hiero of Syracuse was in fact of pure gold , as it was supposed to be , or had been adulterated with a cheaper metal .
21 Margie Llewellyn , the chat-show queen , had asked him once when she had interviewed him , and he had mesmerised her millions of viewers with the story he had told .
22 Melia too has intriguing links with the story .
23 The kings all went to bed and so you place the cards all face upwards and continue with the story .
24 But there are a lot of Street addicts around who are happy to bring me up to date with the story when I get back .
25 Mr Onanuga , 31 , has told friends he naively went along with the story because Mr Newton believed it was good publicity for Thresher and his own branch , and he did not see how it could harm anyone .
26 Most people who notice it at parties are too polite to ask what it is and why I am wearing it , but to the few who do I say ( because I find it embarrassing to explain ) that it is concerned with the story of the sinking of the Bismarck ; and then relish the look of puzzlement on their faces .
27 ‘ I could n't afford to wait — not with the story of the London kidnap splashed all over the early editions of Figaro .
28 They are also inconsistent with the story of the temptation of Jesus where he refused to use his powers to compel belief by spectacular ‘ proofs ’ .
29 It contrasts the blood-thirsty dynasty of Michael Corleone as he builds up his gambling empire from a base in Nevada in the '50s with the story of how his father Vito ( Robert De Niro , playing Brando 's original role ) left Sicily to become the protector of poor Italians in a New York neighbourhood at the start of the century .
30 The sergeant continued : ‘ But then Mr Hamilton found the valuable guns missing from Taigh na Tuir , and he reported that , with the story of your attempt to get into the house last Wednesday night .
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