Example sentences of "that israel had " in BNC.

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1 The International Herald Tribune of Jan. 22 quoted US administration officials as saying that they strongly suspected that Israel had supplied cluster bombs to the Ethiopian Air Force .
2 The office of the Israeli Prime Minister , Itzhak Shamir , issued a statement on April 3 warning that Israel had " proven in the past that it is able to defend itself and will not be blackmailed " .
3 Officials emphasized that Israel had no aggressive designs on any of its Arab neighbours .
4 On Dec. 19 the US State Department confirmed a further NBC report that Israel had bought 2,000,000 barrels of oil from Iran in mid-November 1989 .
5 By Jan. 21 the US Deputy Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger , while clearly recognizing " Israel 's right as a sovereign state to retaliate , to defend itself " , was able to confirm that Israel had pledged to work closely with the USA and " will consult us first " before taking any such action .
6 As recently as Feb. 6 , 1991 , Baker was still insisting that Israel had not provided the necessary technical data on its settlements policy .
7 This followed reports that Israel had expropriated over 8,000 hectares of land in the occupied territories so far in 1991 , compared with only some 600 hectares in the whole of 1988 .
8 On July 4 Defence Minister Moshe Arens told a visiting group from the Zionist Organization of America ( ZOA ) that Israel had asked the USA to increase its annual military grant by US$700 million to US$2,500 million to ensure that it maintained a " qualitative advantage " over its Arab neighbours .
9 The Defence Ministry announced on Oct. 3 that Israel had decided to " adopt the rules " of the Missile Technology Control Regime ( MTCR ) , an international convention introduced in 1987 to control the spread of Western missile technology and hardware to the Third World .
10 The Ha'aretz newspaper reported that Israel had accepted the MTCR under pressure from the USA , which had threatened to close US suppliers to Israel 's military industry .
11 The Washington Post of Oct. 28 reported that US intelligence agencies had recently discovered that Israel had exported key ballistic missile components to South Africa , but that President Bush had secretly decided to waive the sanctions against Israel required under the 1990 Appropriations Bill .
12 At the start of negotiations on Dec. 10 the Jordanian-Palestinian delegation claimed that Israel had agreed in Madrid to enter into " two track " negotiations .
13 Dec. 25 that Israel had decided to recognize all the republics in the Commonwealth of Independent States .
14 Syria and Lebanon declined to attend the multilateral session on the grounds that Israel had shown no signs of territorial flexibility in the previous rounds of bilateral talks .
15 His visit coincided with press reports that Israel had passed on US arms technology to third countries , including China .
16 The Rand Corporation 's report claimed that Israel had become a back door for Chinese acquisition of military technology .
17 A report on Voice of Israel radio on April 23 stated that Israel had established relations with 12 of the 15 former Soviet republics .
18 Shimon Peres , the Israeli Foreign Minister , announced on Oct. 8 that Israel had decided to abandon its boycott of multilateral talks on refugees and regional economic co-operation , begun by the previous government in May 1992 in protest at Palestinian plans to appoint exiles as representatives in their delegations to the two sessions [ see p. 38932 ] .
19 Lawyers representing the deportees had submitted petitions claiming that Israel had a responsibility to take them back , on the grounds that the Lebanese government had refused to accept them and that their lives were therefore in danger .
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