Example sentences of "that jesus had " in BNC.

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1 Hebrews 2 contains a fascinating idea that Jesus had to be made human in order to overcome death for us ; that is to say , he pioneered our way through the deep waters of death .
2 The tradition recorded that Jesus had entrusted his church with the power of the keys , that is , a commission to decide disputes and to give rulings about erring individuals .
3 Then a Professor of German Literature applied his literary mind to the Gospels and declared that they were a work of fiction and that Jesus had not actually existed ?
4 When the disciples first heard from the women that Jesus had risen , they were incredulous : ‘ The story appeared to them to be nonsense , and they would not believe them . ’
5 Christians believe that Jesus had not only a human body but also a human mind and spirit .
6 This Gentile had professed a faith that no Jew had , believing that Jesus had the authority and power to help .
7 It is important not to interpret the phrase that Jesus had felt some power go out of him as though he were some sort of ‘ divine energy source ’ of healing .
8 It would be wrong to consider that Jesus had simply evaded the question .
9 The second view is that Judas told the chief priests that Jesus had claimed to be some sort of Messiah ; perhaps one who would lead a rebellion against the Romans .
10 Pilate , in spite of declaring that Jesus had done no wrong , finally gave in to their demands and handed Jesus over to be crucified .
11 By studying the gospel references to the apocalyptic Jewish figure of the ‘ Son of Man ’ — whom Jesus sometimes appears to identify with himself , but sometimes not — Wrede had come to the conclusions that Jesus had not in fact applied the title to himself ; that after his resurrection the church had come to anticipate his return ; that it had then identified Jesus himself as the coming Son of Man ; and that the impression given in the gospels of a ‘ messianic secret ’ that Jesus in his lifetime conveyed only to his closest disciples , and charged them not to reveal to others until the proper time came , was a mere literary device to support that identification .
12 The Gospels themselves make it clear that Jesus had a brother named Jude or Judah or Judas .
13 The suggestion that Jesus had a twin brother was one of the most persistent and tenacious of the ancient ‘ heresies ’ .
14 To most contemporary Christians , of course , and even to most contemporary agnostics , the suggestion that Jesus had a twin brother will seem at best far-fetched , at worst blasphemous .
15 There is certainly evidence that Patrick was ‘ tainted ’ by the Arian heresy — which , among other things , insisted that Jesus had been born mortal , by mortal means .
16 Indeed one could say that , in that Jesus had particularities , such a way of thinking would allow one to celebrate the particularity of each human being .
17 Still less can it be said that Jesus had a feminist interpretation of social realities .
18 And this was n't an Anglican church , erm it was a Baptist church , and when I was seven I understood that Jesus had died for me and then I asked him into my heart and when I was twelve I was baptized , which is the equivalent really of being confirmed .
19 But the Bible teaches that Jesus had unique authority .
20 You 've used words like death last supper good times sad times , the past couple of days all that Jesus had said and done their betrayal their cowardice .
21 It was not just that they had lost a friend through death , but the death that Jesus had suffered was long and cruel , and above all it was unjust .
22 Some of the women who were followers of Jesus had returned from the tomb where Jesus had been buried , saying that it was empty , that they had been told in a vision that Jesus had risen from the dead .
23 What he 's saying to us here is that that there is a reason that Jesus had been condemned and that those who had the authority to do so had carried out their work .
24 There could be no doubt in the mind of John that Jesus had been sent by God .
25 They had had faith , they had seen Jesus perform miracles , they had seen him heal the sick , they had seen him give sight to the blind , they had seen some of the tremendous things that Jesus had done .
26 Over these next few weeks I 'd like us to be looking at some of the interviews that Jesus had with various characters , sometimes with an individual , sometimes with a small group of people , and just to see some of the things that we can learn from them .
27 And so we must start off this morning with his , perhaps most famous of all interviews that Jesus had , the interview with Nicodemus there in John , er er chapter three part of which Elaine read for us earlier .
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