Example sentences of "that throughout [art] " in BNC.

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1 He claimed that Derrida was in error in his claim that throughout the history of Western philosophy speech had been privileged above writing .
2 Acknowledging the apparent opposition between these two terms , he goes on to argue , and to show from historical evidence , that throughout the nineteenth century , and into the early twentieth , much of the central function of criticism was carried by literary and cultural journalism , most of it , admittedly , of a more spacious and literate order than is common today .
3 ( So crucial was the bike in everyday life that throughout the first two years of the Club 's existence the Committee discussed the erection of a permanent bike shed more than any other matter ) .
4 It is vital that throughout the installation all positive lines are fused .
5 In 1820 Sir Frederick Adam published his Survey of the State of the Poor , in which he showed that throughout the shires rates of pay for labourers of all types were low , and that many families lived on small quantities of wheaten or barley bread , skimmed milk , cheese , potatoes and legumes , meat hardly ever figuring in their diet .
6 Sadler began by reminding readers that throughout the nineteenth century the ‘ authority of the state ’ had gradually made itself felt in relation to education , resulting in the 1870 Act .
7 THE FOSSIL RECORD shows that throughout the history of life on Earth the groups of animals that were dominant in any one age were often replaced wholesale in the next age by others animal of a quite different group ; and biologists have sometimes argued that such replacements occur because of direct competition between the old dominant type and the new .
8 Although the monastic reformers of the twelfth century frowned on the practice of placing children in monasteries , and the Cistercians forbade it , we may be sure that throughout the Middle Ages many nuns were dedicated to religion by the same procedure as they would have been dedicated to husbands — by parental fiat .
9 It is also important to recognise that throughout the 1980s , whilst MDC has received access to substantial financial resources , the government has simultaneously squeezed local authority budgets , particularly Liverpool City Council 's ( Liverpool City Council , 1987 ) .
10 As in the 1979 report , despite developments in Biblical scholarship , it asserted that throughout the Bible there was strong disapproval for homosexual practice but sinful human beings still have to make moral sense of their lives :
11 Sir James Jeans ( 1877–1946 ) , eminent British astronomer and mathematician , has stated that throughout the universe ( and nature ) there exist ‘ singular points ’ or centres from which , and through which , energy from a higher sphere streams into our physical universe and in turn streams out .
12 There was a general recognition that throughout the cooperative movement and the trades union movement they had got to become more closely welded together to safeguard their common interests .
13 Claiming that Tyacke has paid too much attention to the academic debates of the university teachers and too little to the realities of parochial life , he asserted that throughout the period from 1529 to 1640 the English church was in essence a monarchical church whose leaders were primarily concerned to maintain stability by restricting controversy .
14 Nevertheless , there was a very close relationship between employment opportunities and trends of immigration , especially from the Caribbean ; Ceri Peach 's research demonstrates that throughout the 1950s periods of economic expansion led to a rise in immigration while periods of recession led to a decline ( Peach , 1968 ) .
15 One is brought back to the fundamental conclusion that throughout the Primary years it is the children 's activity that is the key to full development .
16 Finally , in The Curriculum from 5 to 16 ( 1985 ) the Inspectorate insisted that throughout the period of compulsory schooling all pupils should maintain contact with nine areas of learning — the 1977 list , except that ‘ technological ’ learning is added and ‘ the social and political ’ is replaced by ‘ human and social ’ .
17 In a somewhat terse paper — it being considered that the more substantial analysis of principles had been carried out in the HMI document A View of the Curriculum — it was maintained that throughout the period of compulsory schooling , from 5–16 , all pupils should undertake study in English , mathematics , science , religious education , and physical education .
18 Little wonder that throughout the war and post-war period there was a persistent fear of inflation .
19 The Council is , then , here solemnly declaring that throughout the world local churches , or groups of linked churches , have the right and duty , not to be ruled from Rome , but to govern themselves with their own traditions and pastoral needs just as the decree implies the Oriental Churches should do .
20 In the USA the absence of a socialist party , the weakness and declining influence of the trade unions in electoral politics , and the enormous costs of political campaigning have meant that throughout the post-war period access to money has been a critical determinant of how politicians are selected ( Bretton , 1980 ; Drew , 1983 ) .
21 IMF statistics show that throughout the last decade German interest rates have consistently been half those of the UK .
22 The majority supported their conclusion by explaining that throughout the drafting process of the Article , right until the final draft , the word ‘ selected ’ had been preferred .
23 It is clear that throughout the second half of 1184 Henry Ii had been seeking a solution to the problem of the succession .
24 Although it is doubtful that throughout the middle ages masters and servants ate at the same table , above and below the salt , as the Victorians supposed , the Gothic hall , entered directly from the outside world and accommodating every social rank , symbolized their ideal of social integration .
25 As such a design advances into greater detail , the latest additions can be checked against those inserted previously , so that throughout the development it is possible to maintain the functional and spatial requirements of the system .
26 Although in his new post for less than a month , Alf has made such an impression at Polypropylene Park that throughout the League his team are already being nicknamed ‘ Busby 's Test Tube Babes ’ .
27 The parallel between this theory and Matthew 's more general model of mammalian evolution is obvious enough — but it is also significant that throughout the previous century Asia had been regarded as the source from which successive waves of higher races had invaded Europe .
28 But more important still was that throughout the period feminists used the same analytical frameworks as anti-feminists .
29 We pray that throughout the world , men may honour one another and seek the common good .
30 It was to ensure that throughout the years that lay ahead he would remain on the road .
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