Example sentences of "that the problem " in BNC.

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1 I would like to think that the problem of entry into Equity could be resolved in the future — difficult as it is .
2 Mr Maclean said outbreaks of Salmonella enteriditis and reports of Bovine spongiform encephalopathy had stabilised but also recognised that the problem had not disappeared , just that interest had waned .
3 ( 1966 : 72 ) recognized such unobtrusive measures have found favour in field-work and I discovered at an early stage that the problem remains one of revealing the structural warts of the system while somehow indicating that this need not be seditious ; and indeed might even be of some value .
4 The Israeli Prime Minister , Yitzak Shamir , procrastinated and postponed discussion of the points at the cabinet , the inner cabinet , or the top decision-making body known as the ‘ forum of four ’ senior ministers , in the hope that the problem would go away .
5 In both cases it seems that the problem lay in the transmission of the activation signal across the target cell membrane , once insulin has bound to the surface receptor .
6 ‘ Prince Sihanouk knows well that the problem is not the Hun Sen government , but the Khmer Rouge .
7 Michael Adler , Professor of Genito-Urinary Medicine at the Middlesex Hospital , London , said the figures illustrated that the problem was not going away .
8 No matter how small the problem of salmonella within the British egg industry — and the BEIC has always maintained that any problem was minute and much smaller than last year 's hysteria implied — the consumer has demanded that the problem be reduced to the absolute minimum possible .
9 That it was established reflects both an enlightened commitment on the part of senior management and a recognition that the problem is pervasive in Northern Ireland .
10 Nobbs argues that the problem has been compounded because the government has n't issued any planning advice to guide the industry .
11 We hope another point is made by these questions and comments , namely that the problem is very complex , requires large amounts of meticulous study , and the results are most difficult to interpret unambiguously .
12 Some travellers maintain that they get used to jet-lag but others find that the problem becomes worse .
13 They would certainly have been completely astonished to learn , as would the author , that The Problem of Pain would become a great commercial success .
14 But in the wake of the United Airlines debacle it is recognised that the problem is with the financiers , not with Congress .
15 He told a Westminster press gallery lunch that the problem was not the properly prepared Queen 's Speech programme of bills , but the demand for instant legislation following a serious event , with ministers being deemed failures if they did not promise a new bill .
16 Trodd now believes that the problem with Christabel and Blackeyes was that ‘ in the conception , the writing and the casting of women in key roles , Dennis 's judgment is flawed . ’
17 I could feel that the problem with David was very much a tremendous lack of application .
18 Echoing the logic of the gun lobby ( ‘ guns do n't kill people ; people kill people ’ ) , the company 's chairman argues that the problem is not with his product , but with under-age drinking .
19 By 1985 Astra said it had found out why , and that the problem would not affect people .
20 There are people who are convinced that the problem is so acute that lasting damage has already been done .
21 But it is when one sees it for oneself that the problem is really understood .
22 The mathematician Aristarchus suggested that the problem could be simplified if all the planets , including Earth , were to orbit the Sun but , after much controversy , his argument was lost .
23 One EC official said yesterday that the problem of fraud involving the Vatican had been understood for several years , and that attempts were being made to stamp it out .
24 It was only when Mr Wilson-Brown , 39 , and his wife , Pat , decided that the hens , like themselves , were fed up with politicians and switched to pop music on Radio 1 that the problem was solved .
25 ‘ The banks have seen it is containable , that the problem will eventually go away , ’ said a Canadian lending banker .
26 It is therefore perhaps unsurprising that the problem over the loss of providing powers in Bedfordshire did not appear to be a major one in the context of such close co-operation and joint endeavour to promote the growth of rural adult education at that time .
27 By 1986 , when social inquiry report monitoring information covering 1,257 offenders indicated that the problem of drink-related offending was virtually as great for pre- as for post-sentence clients , that is , alcohol was cited as a pre-offence problem in twenty-nine per cent of cases , a specialist project worker had been appointed .
28 The UK memo claims to assess the ‘ scientific basis ’ of the Commission 's proposals and notes haughtily , ‘ There seems to be an underlying assumption that the nitrate problem is concerned with the quantity of fertiliser and manure applied , whereas studies in this country , and elsewhere , have established that the problem is much more complicated than this , reflecting , for example , other aspects of farming practices . ’
29 While their criticism of reductionism is just and their emphasis on ‘ downward ’ causation ( mind influencing matter ) timely , it seems to me that the problem of ‘ interactionism ’ largely disappears when the systemic position of information processing in the life of a subjectively aware organism is understood .
30 This is the same as saying that reality can be altered by perception , and that the problem will go away if we cease to think of Germany as a country .
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