Example sentences of "that the law " in BNC.

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1 Are those empirical credentials sufficient , however , to sustain the metaphysical implications it is thought that the laws have ?
2 Yet some writers seem to think that the laws do just that ; and that the quantitative observations encompassed in the laws take us beyond ( subjective ) experience because they are based upon objective measures of physical energy , utilizing scientific instruments .
3 They have recognised that the laws to protect our environment need to be extended and revised to cope with the situation genetic engineering presents .
4 Earlier in the year , emergency powers inherited from the Smith regime were employed to break a strike in the telecommunications industry , although the government claimed that the laws were maintained to deal with armed incursions from Mozambique and South Africa .
5 This is because it is quite possible that the laws in both cases may be much the same .
6 He emphasized that the laws opened up to Jews the possibility of their separate existence within Germany in all spheres of life , and renewed the command forbidding all ‘ individual actions ’ against Jews .
7 It is only justice that the laws should be altered in their favour .
8 It was n't until 1880 with the passing of the Ground Game Act , giving tenant farmers protection against their landlords and giving them the right to kill hares and rabbits , that the laws were even modestly relaxed .
9 In a recent book they pointed out that the laws of physics dictate that the sun 's luminosity must have increased by 30 per cent during the past four million years .
10 The ASB proposals seem to imply that card portfolios should not be looked at on a portfolio basis and that the laws of large numbers do not apply .
11 The question is how they apply to these weapons , and why the Great Powers have continued to avoid any explicit acknowledgment that the laws of war can apply in any respect to nuclear weapons ; and finally how should the mobilisation of world public opinion and political action be directed to ensuring the effective outlawing of these weapons .
12 This helps to explain why those who wish to justify the legality of nuclear weapons generally avoid the necessity argument , and prefer to deny altogether that the laws of war apply to these weapons .
13 Although they accept that the laws of war apply to the use of these weapons , their conclusion is that ‘ they can be used lawfully if civilians are not made the object of attack and if collateral injury to civilians is not disproportionate to the military advantage being sought ’ ( Builder and Graubard , 1982 , p. viii ) .
14 There is one particularly notable exception to the proposition that the laws of war proved inadequate in limiting combat in the Second World War — the 1925 Geneva Protocol .
15 Even if one takes a sceptical view of the applicability of the laws of war to nuclear weapons , it does not follow that the laws of war are irrelevant in the nuclear age .
16 Looking at the effects of inheritance in a broader perspective , it is apparent that the laws and customs associated with it in any society have the effect of shaping kin relationships in ways other than the transmission of economic resources .
17 But Yockey repeatedly conveys the impression that the laws of molecular biology can be derived from mathematics .
18 The change he makes is to assume that the laws of motion obeyed by the particles constituting an isolated system are non-invertible : that is , that the same dynamical state at a given time can be reached from two or more different dynamical states at some earlier time .
19 It has the merit of simplicity and responds adequately to the desire of States to maintain control over purely domestic transactions , in that the laws of a State are enacted primarily for the benefit of its own residents , not for those situated abroad .
20 She sat for the evening with a strange man 's hand inside her stocking , and yet it had not occurred to her that the laws of a disorganized school trip were not the laws of nature or of justice .
21 It has also been pointed out that the laws in the Old Testament may be classified as either " apodictic " in form ( " thou shalt … " or " thou shalt not … " ) or " casuistic " ( " when a man … , he shall … " ) .
22 You will be able to see that the laws you love and cherish ( Coulomb 's , Biot-Savart 's , Snell 's , etc. ) all follow from our eqns ( 1.1 ) -(1.7) .
23 In fact it became clear that a considerable part of the defence was going to be that of justification , that the laws and usages of war permitted reprisals to be taken against hostages .
24 In the last few years , however , it has emerged that the laws of science may hold even at the beginning of the universe .
25 It is only if the universe is in this no-boundary state that the laws of science , on their own , determine the probabilities of each possible history .
26 Indeed , one could always say that the laws of science are the expression of the will of God .
27 This experience prefigures Julia 's recognition at the end of the novel that the laws of the Church are also a way of describing spiritual harmony .
28 That this is possible reflects the fact that the laws , while preserving all essential abstract correctness properties , do not imply equal efficiency on either side .
29 The trouble with this was that the laws of mechanics and electricity , before quantum mechanics , predicted that the electrons would lose energy and so spiral inward until they collided with the nucleus .
30 The reason is that the laws of physics are not quite the same for particles and antiparticles .
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