Example sentences of "are the basis " in BNC.

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1 And these , along with other cortical events relating to other sensory pathways , are the basis of consciousness and of our state of being ‘ worlded ’ .
2 If it is natural conditions of existence which are the basis of human history , this does not mean that human society and concepts are simply an automatic product or reflection of physical existence , as Feuerback and other ‘ vulgar ’ materialists seem to imply .
3 Often very soft owing to a high whey content Cheese , Soft p69/ Cheeses of the Brie and Camembert types , made from uncut curds which are allowed to drain naturally Cheese , the nutritive value of p88 Cheesecake , Rich Chocolate p77 Cheesemaking p93–5 Cheeses , Blue p97 Cheese , Goat 's milk p96 Cheeses , Hard p72/ A group including some very hard varieties such as Parmesan , but also Cheddar Cheeses , Semi-hard p70/ Probably the largest group of cheeses , including many traditional British varieties Cheeses , Sheep 's or Ewes ' milk p96 Chicken Pilaf p57 Chinese Egg Noodles p52/ Thin dried noodles reconstituted in boiling water , used for Eastern Cookery Chocolate p77/ The refined product of the cocoa plant Chocolate Biscuit Loaf , Italian p78 Chocolate Cheesecake p77 Chorizos p14/ Spicy sausages used extensively in Spanish and Mexican cookery Clam Sauce for pasta p82 Cocktail Tartlets , Tartlets in a Hurry p113 Cocoa p77/ Cocoa butter and cocoa powder are the basis of the chocolate industry , and are extracted from the beans of the cocoa plant Coffee p32/ A drink prepared from the berries of the tropical coffee plant Coffee , types of p34 Creamed Leek & Chilli Sauce p82 Currants p61
4 The determinants of effective and ineffective teams include a wide range of variables , but two which are particularly relevant in this context are the basis on which the team is constituted in terms of the definition of roles and the way in which the relationship between those roles is determined .
5 It is formative as it is based on qualitative judgements which are the basis for future action
6 They are the basis for our strategy and the benchmark against which progress will be judged .
7 The detailed structure of the individual plates that combine together to build the skeleton are the basis for the classification of the corals , as well as the general form .
8 Sinks , generally regarded as fixtures , are the basis of any cleaning operation big or small .
9 These five stages are the topic of a huge search by doctors and scientists and are the basis of the rapidly developing new medical speciality of pain diagnosis and management .
10 Thus nostro accounts , i.e. deposit balances with correspondent banks , are the basis of the euro-dollar market in London and elsewhere .
11 These four ‘ p's are the basis of marketing .
12 Tests by the American Association of State Highway Officials in the early 1960s are the basis for calculating the damage to roads .
13 This is quite understandable , but it means that the collections of fossils in museums , which are the basis of my data , will differ in composition from the original assemblage of fossils — which in turn differs , as we have seen , from the composition of the living assemblage .
14 Such transfers are the basis of firm bonds and major misunderstandings .
15 As shape and energy are interchangeable in biological systems , and as all biological reactions are shape-specific , it is not unreasonable to suggest that shape-specific water polymers are the basis of the activity of homoeopathic potencies .
16 As a synthesis of feudalism and capitalism , socialism is able to take what is best from both systems and discard those institutions which are the basis of conflict .
17 These initial exercises with the lace carriage and the main carriage are the basis for all the punchcard lace on the K858 model .
18 Since these presuppositions that are the basis of knowledge are not normally recognized at the conscious level , an individual does not normally ‘ affiliate ’ to them with a conscious and intentional act .
19 ‘ But those who know me well understand the importance of the human side and the mutual trust , goodwill , integrity and fair play that are the basis of all human relationships .
20 Attempts to restructure and remunerate accordingly are the basis of the new clinical grading exercise introduced in 1988 .
21 It will be noted that errors are the basis of further skill acquisition .
22 The ability to organise a classroom , a group or an individual child , to structure experience so that learning not only occurs at the moment of teaching but remains ; the sensitivity to perceive the world from a child 's perspective , the understanding to build for tomorrow upon the child 's present , and to know and appreciate a child 's weaknesses and strengths — these are the skills which are the basis for a teacher 's claim to ‘ professionalism ’ .
23 They are the basis of several multi-billion dollar industries around the world .
24 It seems to me therefore that the free-thinker and the non-Christian can accept , without offence to his convictions , the fact that Christian morals are the basis of the criminal law and that he can recognize , also without taking offence , that without the support of the Churches the moral order , which has its origin in and takes its strength from , Christian beliefs , would collapse .
25 A number of Japanese vendors have developed and are introducing products for Japanese localisation , based on the XIM X Input Method and XIMP X Input Method Protocol , which are the basis for the standardised Japanese input method defined by Unix International .
26 And by limiting ourselves specifically to stylistic alternatives , we can pinpoint the inferences from the text which are the basis of literary appreciation .
27 Such family connections were very different from those in one-industry occupational communities and are important precisely because they are the basis of interaction in civil society and relate to political action .
28 These are the basis of your pattern-note .
29 For example , if the proton-neutron mass difference were not about twice the mass of the electron , one would not obtain the couple of hundred or so stable nucleides that make up the elements and are the basis of chemistry and biology .
30 One of these was the diagrams that bear his name , which are the basis of almost every calculation in particle physics .
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