Example sentences of "are met [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He takes her to live in the Valley of Paradise , where all her desires are met except one , which is to see the face of her husband .
2 Their needs are met to varying degrees by the home , parish or deanery .
3 They have the choice once the threshold conditions are met of making a care order , of making a supervision order , or of making any other order under the Children Act 1989 .
4 The important point is this : is the use of an overseas company like Sterling ( where inquiries about the real ownership of shareholdings in threatened companies are met with a polite but firm snub ) acceptable within a legalframework trying to ensure fair play ?
5 Species resembling this one in general shape are met with in rocks of Cretaceous and younger age .
6 ‘ A person who returns from a course anxious to practise a new technique or skill will quickly lose enthusiasm if efforts are met with hostility or indifference .
7 Social needs are met with familiar faces attending each week and consultations with the same nurses and doctors .
8 G. Higgins in Celtic Druids reminds us that ‘ The remains of the worship of the bull , or the sun in Taurus , are met with everywhere — all over India , Persia , Greece , Italy and Britain . ’
9 My protests are met with a simple choice .
10 Also , as an immigrant to Canada , I can affirm it 's more pleasant living where problems are met with cheerful optimism instead of the sullen whining which passes for debate in Britain .
11 Questions about the products suitability for use with forthcoming Apple products are met with a degree of silence reminiscent of a Trappist monk but the general assurance is that the product is ‘ future proof ’ , at least so far as Apple is concerned .
12 When the NHS grabs the headlines , which it characteristically does at election times , the arguments rarely get beyond statistical claims and counter claims on the issue of " underfunding " , or charges of sinister intent which are met with protestations of undying fealty to the " principles " of the NHS .
13 What is striking about the refusals in the two extracts above is that both are given immediately , without any pause , and both are met with following laughter .
14 The frequency with which Creole utterances are met with laughter in my conversational data is remarkable .
15 Training and Education The Group Training Department ensures that training requirements are met for all employees .
16 We retire to the hotel bar early in the morning and are met on arrival by Big Al Jourgensen wearing a George Bush mask and clutching a can of hi-fi contact clear .
17 In practice , however , these conditions are met on very rare occasions so that one might conclude that spatial differences in economic potential are unlikely ever to be equalised .
18 If evaluation is defined as assessing how effectively needs are met at a given cost , then precise identification of needs is obviously paramount , as the Guideline on Evaluation notes , most emphatically : ‘ Without proper identification of need , evaluation is meaningless ’ .
19 Such an exercise would help to ensure that the perceived needs of pupils are met at their different stages of development .
20 Emotional and personal needs are met within this smaller unit .
21 The Commission has to be satisfied that the various criteria are met before adding the areas to the EEC list of LFAs .
22 Finally , in the event of a bank ceasing to conduct business , as a result of insolvency and its liquidation , the shareholders are paid back their capital contribution only after all the depositors ' claims are met in full .
23 The method is designed to help analysts to make enquiries about how well the information requirements are met in practice , so that areas of potential improvement can be highlighted .
24 But only the Bible assures us that both of these needs are met in Christ .
25 The good news is that these needs are met in Christ .
26 In all these cases the court has been concerned to ensure that these fundamental requirements are met in the way in which , particularly in the case of the county courts , they are intended to be and should be met .
27 Society has accepted responsibility for seeing that their needs are met in a piecemeal fashion , tackling the most obvious needs first — those for financial provision , medical care and residential accommodation .
28 I 've scoured the the technical professional press to find out if there is some general statement which sums up what sustainability means , and the one which I 've seen most commonly referred to , I think , and the government has used it in this way , is a requirement to ensure the needs of the present generation are met in a way which does not prejudice future generations , now I do not believe that a properly conceived and located new settlement is any less sustainable in the long term that other forms of urban growth , and by properly conceived I 've got to say I believe that to mean properly balanced er form of development for the new settlement , and I think I would say that new settlements have usually been proposed because continued infilling , like the the normal forms of accommodating further development requirements , infill , and peripheral development , have been determined in York context not to be sustainable , the sorts of issues which arise as a result erm of additional development in or on the edge of York and the surrounding villages , problems of additional congestion , loss of green space in towns , loss of employment opportunities and so on .
29 Before midday we arrive at the first village and are met by the Mukhtar , Hadji Hanna .
30 No subway system in the world ( save Hong Kong 's ) makes a profit ; in Rome , 82 per cent of public transport operating costs are met by public subsidy , in Paris , 52 per cent .
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