Example sentences of "are thus [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The two eigenvalues of unc are thus determined by unc The required eigenvalues are thus 0.2 ( bottom right-hand element of B ) , 0.4 ( bottom right-hand element of
2 The wages of farm workers are thus determined by the conditions prevailing in the local labour market , rather than that for agricultural products .
3 Thus Titmuss has argued : ‘ The aims and content of social policy , both in peace and in war , are thus determined — at least to a substantial extent-by how far the co-operation of the masses is essential to the successful prosecution of war . ’
4 Many carers provide 24 hour nursing care and are thus rendered housebound themselves .
5 Phosphorus that diffuses upward from the bottom is absorbed by the accumulated bacteria and algal cells at the top of the anoxic layer ; very little penetrates to the less saline layers above , which are thus limited to the very small amounts brought in by Onyx River .
6 The flows of life energy in the body along the meridians are thus adjusted and balanced at certain very carefully chosen spots .
7 The hexagonal layers are thus arranged in the sequence , ABABABABA …
8 Organizations are thus characterized as combining controls and the means to exercise those controls .
9 The pragmatics of all these statements — the ways they are used to produce certain effects on the people to whom they are addressed — are thus tied to their propaganda value for particular campaigns or positions , or to their instrumental value in furthering the personal or political objectives of particular individuals or groups .
10 Earth Report ( 1988 ) , for example , states that in Pakistan more than 65 per cent of the country 's 150 000 km 2 of irrigated land are thus affected ; in Egypt 35 per cent of farmland has salinity and waterlogging problems and in Iraq and India the situation is similarly acute .
11 Television 's ‘ cumulative effects ’ are thus related to the ways in which it ‘ transmits reality and affects the imagery of politics and political figures ’ .
12 The events they referred to can be verified from other sources : the battles of Kawz and Hawaria also appear in Graziani 's work , for example , and are thus authenticated ( Graziani , 1932 ) .
13 Hence , as in so many other traditional cultures , the victims of affliction are thus revealed as criminals ; in contrast to the situation in Samuel Butler 's allegorical novel Erewhon , it is not so much that sickness in itself is a crime as that it is a symptom and consequence of criminal activity .
14 The source and drain are thus connected by a so-called ‘ inversion layer ’ , in which the majority charge carrier ( electrons ) is the minority one in the bulk of the semiconductor ( which is p-type , so holes are the majority carrier ) .
15 If just one or two Germans among that 50 per cent see it , and are thus prevented from forgetting the past , it may be worthwhile .
16 To maintain the management culture , new ideas are thus injected into the company through new-manager training , the key course for first-time first-line managers .
17 When Community rules are thus applied by the national courts , they fall to be interpreted , not according to domestic canons of construction , but according to Community methods of interpretation .
18 Organizations are thus conceived of as purposive social arrangements , as stable social groups with internally differentiated roles that are brought together for some purpose .
19 These perceptions are thus conceived as contingent , as open to non-occurrence , since they are not being treated as normal , as being taken for granted , even though they did take place in actual fact .
20 We are thus led back to the same problem as before ; although the fact of taking X as end does not justify the decision to do Y , the enjoyment of X which does complete the justification is itself merely a psychological fact .
21 To the extent that they are thus led to perform well this is obviously desirable ; the problem is that , in attempting to avoid noticeable mistakes , they ignore the costs that must be borne by the public .
22 We are thus faced with the following problem : what organization in the early sea-urchin embryo ensures that the proportions of cells that form the skeleton , the gut , and the surface layers , will be the same in embryos whose cells can be quite extensively rearranged and whose size varies over a factor of eightfold ?
23 Individuals are thus faced with a cost in terms of the time and effort spent on ensuring that they keep in money form only the amount required to cover their day-to-day transactions .
24 We are thus faced in his later years by the paradox of a ruler who had spent his life in efforts to make his subjects prosperous and happy compelled to create a system of secret police and to hold down considerable parts of his territories by armed force .
25 Rather , they must be seen as sets of roles which , as soon as they exist , exploit one another and are thus engaged in the class struggle .
26 Left-wing militancy a–d more especially the left-ward lurch of the Socialist Party are thus seen as responses to right-wing intransigence , and the right as bearing the main responsibility for political breakdown , ever-worsening social conflict , and ultimately , civil war .
27 Societies are thus seen as made up of three interconnected structures , each of which is seen as a mode of production , transforming raw materials into commodities .
28 The different approaches are thus seen to be distinct , but perhaps not in conflict ; each approach is seen as an area of specialism , rather than as an area of commitment .
29 The engineering files are thus seen to be data stores containing both man-readable and machine-readable instructions for the manufacture of the specified articles .
30 Local authorities are thus seen as ‘ enablers ’ — designing , organising and purchasing non-health care services rather than providing them directly .
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