Example sentences of "at a specific " in BNC.

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1 It is possible to understand this by looking in some detail at a specific village .
2 By dipping the STM needle in a drop of organic molecules on a piece of graphite , and then briefly applying a large voltage to the tip , Dr John Foster and colleagues at IBM 's research laboratories in San Jose , California , have shown how to fix a single molecule at a specific point on the graphite .
3 People within enterprises who are designated to engage in environmental scanning ( and similar ) activities do not of course restrict themselves to that part of the total external information resource that happens to be publicly available at a specific point in time .
4 This process of the effective addition of value to meet a specific executive information need at a specific time and place is most certainly not a trivial task .
5 The latter risk of inadequate demand for the final output can be partially solved for a bank by ‘ off-take ’ agreements whereby the project developer and other parties enter an agreement to supply and accept an agreed amount of output at a specific price .
6 This section will look at how this teacher involvement can be achieved , both in general terms and by looking at a specific example in detail .
7 The rubidium atoms become polarised when they absorb light at a specific wavelength from a dye laser , and then swap spins with their xenon partners before the short-lived molecules dissociate .
8 ( If more volume really were needed then the direct outputs could be fed to a stereo power amp and then to additional speakers , but I 'm sure Marshall have aimed the S80 at a specific player who would find its volume adequate and who , if he or she needed more , would probably upgrade to a more powerful Marshall product . )
9 First , there can be defects in an enzyme , either in its amount or in its function , causing either a partial or total block at a specific point in a metabolic pathway .
10 Electro-acupuncture is a recent development in which the balancing of the energy flow is achieved by passing a weak electric current at a specific frequency — often 2.5 , 10 or 80 pulses per second ( Hertz or Hz ) through the indicated acupuncture points .
11 A rateable value is intended to represent a rent from year to year at a specific date on terms laid down by regulations .
12 Far from seeing the ascent of Labour in the immediate postwar period as a spontaneous response to frustrated hopes and deteriorating social conditions , it was rather a resolution or convergence of deeper currents at a specific historical conjuncture .
13 The plot shows temperatures at a specific time .
14 those which are not directed at a specific military objective ;
15 those which employ a method or means of combat which can not be directed at a specific military objective ; or
16 Each represents a calculated angle which can be discriminated by a subject with normal vision at a specific distance ( 60 , 36 , 24,12 , 9 , or 6 metres from the chart ) .
17 The prescription of glasses is an exact science , and they are made to fit correctly at a specific distance from the eyeball .
18 Furthermore , the growing tendency to withdraw from economic activity at a specific chronological age ( 60/65 ) , regardless of physiological condition and cognitive capacity , reinforced the attention paid to the ageing demographic structure of the country .
19 The British , with experience gained in the Boer War , had designed a standard rifle , light and holding the maximum number of rounds for fast , aimed fire at a specific target .
20 Second , as the stores fill up , their buffering capacity will be reduced , thus leading to a pacemaker elevation of cytosolic calcium ( Fig. 4 b ) , which often appears at a specific initiation site where it provides the trigger to detonate the process of CICR ( Fig. 4 , step c ) .
21 In summary , when cells are activated , the cytoplasm becomes an excitable matrix which allows a calcium signal to initiate periodically at a specific point before spreading throughout the cell as a regenerative calcium wave .
22 It is usually possible for the teacher to type in a list of words so that the game can be aimed at a specific child , providing additional experience of words that may be giving difficulty .
23 The " package " may also involve stock options — rights to buy shares at a specific value exercisable at a future date , the idea being that if the firm does well the shares will be worth far more than the exercise price .
24 Elsewhere we have argued that part of what made René Lévesque and Lee Iacocca effective as leaders was the temporal significance of their vision : they appealed powerfully to the specific needs of specific stakeholders at a specific time .
25 The implications of these general approaches to ontogenesis for the nature of the artefact become clearer when they are directed at a specific problem , the nature of play .
26 These molecules , the ultimate source of information about what is going on at a specific time in a particular cell , are extremely labile chemically ( for example , to traces of alkaline detergent in less than scrupulously clean glassware ) and enzymatically ( to the ubiquitous ribonuclease ) .
27 Your payments are fixed at a specific rate , but you are charged at a variable rate .
28 It politely requested that , for security reasons , I bring my ship down to Underlight speed at specific co-ordinates , at a specific time , and prepare for rendezvous with the Emissary 's ship .
29 The rotor 's arrival at a specific position can be detected by comparing , using simple timing circuits , the chopping behaviour to the behaviour at the required position .
30 where there is a screenful of records at a specific classification code , there should be a means of skipping to the next or previous codes ;
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