Example sentences of "at the rate " in BNC.

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1 For the years 1984–6 , the statistical authorities have published ( Indeks , 1987 , nos. 3 and 9 ) the values of exports and imports both according to the traditional method and in terms of current dinars , i.e. at the rates of exchange ruling at the time of the export or import of the goods .
2 In the event , the government had to resort to Article 110 of the law , which comes into operation when there is a shortage of foreign exchange at the rates determined by the National Bank .
3 Almost all of these estates had been mortgaged and German banks were unwilling to lend more money at the rates the Junkers requested .
4 ‘ The C & D category societies ( the smallest ) have picked up a lot of savings business by offering high interest rates , but that money has to be lent out and the sort of mortgage business they have been picking up at the rates they charge looks very doubtful to me .
5 Profit and loss accounts and assets and liabilities of foreign subsidiary undertakings are translated into sterling at the rates of exchange ruling on the balance sheet date .
6 Foreign currency transactions of individual companies are translated at the rates ruling when they occurred .
7 Foreign currency monetary assets and liabilities are translated at the rates ruling at the balance sheet dates .
8 For erosion to continue at the rates noted above it is necessary that the material supplied by the cliff should be transported away by the sea : otherwise there may be formed extensive beaches , spits , bars and comparable forms , which dissipate the energy of the waves and prevent , at least temporarily , the base of the cliff being attacked .
9 If we look at the rates proposals — I shall give way to the hon. Member for Alyn and Deeside — He does not want to intervene because what I am saying is right .
10 Foreign currency assets and liabilities are translated into sterling at the rates of exchange at the balance sheet date .
11 Income and expenditure in foreign currencies are converted to sterling at rates approximating to those ruling at the date of each transaction ; assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated into sterling at the rates ruling at the balance sheet date .
12 Preliminary results have confirmed that plates are moving in the directions , and at the rates , indicated by already acquired geophysical data .
13 That being the case the entire property would be chargeable to inheritance tax at the rates , subject to regulations , prevailing at death .
14 Thus , when the discount houses offer to sell bills to the Bank , the latter is in a strong position to influence rates of interest in the bill market by refusing to buy at the rates quoted .
15 Sow the seeds , which look like sweet peas , at the rate of about 1/2oz-sq yd .
16 Sow it from August to November at the rate of 1oz/sq yd .
17 Class 321 units continued to be delivered at the rate of two a week , and on the Isle of Wight ‘ new ’ 1938-built former London Underground trains began to be introduced to replace coaches dating from 1923 .
18 But four main factors are singled out by Chris Green for the currently greatly improved outlook : the record investment currently being made , at the end of 1989 amounting to an astonishing million pounds a day ; the success of the Networker train whose carriages in 1989 were being delivered at the rate of one a day ; the enormous level of London station development both enhancing the environment ( who at the start of the 1980s would have thought of treating a terminus as a shopping precinct ? ) and producing revenue on the grand scale ; and the steady introduction of Integrated Electronic Control Centres ( discussed in detail in the signalling chapter ) .
19 The waste arrives at the rate of up to seven tanker-loads every day — that is seven lorries passing thousands of doorsteps .
20 Indeed during the finale , at the rate his arm whirled over his Fender strings , it looked as though he had caught the tail end of Hurricane Hugo during their US tour .
21 People are leaving Paris at the rate of some 20,000 a year , chased out by soaring property prices and the shortage of rental accommodation — especially of flats big enough for a family .
22 We saw awful conditions in Bouzoulouk , where , out of a population of 35,000 they are dying at the rate of 100 a day .
23 During 1938 and 1939 slum-dwellers were being rehoused at the rate of 1,000 a day .
24 The vast waiting lists of the local authorities , as well as the existing local authority houses , contain large numbers of families who , with private enterprise building again at the rate and real cost of the 1930s , would be both able and willing to accommodate themselves at economic rents or prices .
25 Let us suppose that a Government , a party , observing that the rate of increase of the national income has been as high as 3 per cent in real terms over the last few years , were to decide to make plans which involve the growth of public expenditure at the rate of 2and1/2 ; per cent , so as to be a little within the recent happy experience .
26 It was a route she chose originally because she did not have enough capital to expand at the rate business demanded .
27 Use all the Corrado 's ample performance and the lead-free fuel flows through the intakes at the rate of around 22mpg , and this shows little sign of improvement even when driven more gently .
28 Overall its exclusively lead-free diet was consumed at the rate of 10.2mpg , even with a thirsty catalyst as standard .
29 And yet these species are vanishing at the rate of one every half hour , before we can even identify and research them .
30 Donations were pouring into the appeals office in the basement of Great Ormond Street at the rate of £2 million a month .
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