Example sentences of "at least as " in BNC.

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1 Last Christmas , having loads of time on my hands over the holidays , I decided to take the plunge and make one at least as nice theirs .
2 And the issue is not simply that of deteriorating staff-student ratios , which has attracted so much attention , but at least as much a question of capital investment .
3 The pressure for an increase in wage levels , at least as agreed at the local branch or shop-floor , steadily mounted , and in the 1977–8 pay round settlements averaged over 1 5 per cent .
4 The terrorist is normally a person who , as such , risks death either by his own weapons or in the commission of his act , and is at least as likely to court what he might regard as a martyr 's or patriot 's death as to be deterred by it .
5 It is quite true that the Americans were at least as worried about the British as the British were about them , but for very different reasons .
6 Sir Anthony says : ‘ The Department were at fault in failing to appreciate that the instructions given to Spicers to carry out an audit of the partnership 's client accounts would not , at least as regards some important Barlow Clowes portfolios , have enabled any reassurance to be gained on the score of the concern that the partnership could not make the payments of income they had guaranteed without eroding clients ’ capital .
7 Sir Christopher Wren sits behind his desk , large as life and at least as natural , until a cloth is draped over the leather bound book concealing the projector , and his head is revealed as a white splodge which takes 80 hours of modelling .
8 By the usual measures of third-world misery — infant mortality , unsafe water , calorie intake , illiteracy — Thais live at least as well as , if not better than , people in other countries with Thailand 's GNP per person of about $1,000 .
9 Rather he thinks that ants ' social organisation and skills should make them at least as rewarding to study as the birds and mammals on which animal behaviourists have focused .
10 He seems to invite us to think of the circle as something which embodies , or is a continuing expression of , the motions which generate it ; and this involves our thinking of those motions in a way which makes them less like efficient causes than like formal causes , at least as Aristotle intended them .
11 There is no such thing as deciding to do something , at least as this is usually understood .
12 Yes , in poetry I felt I could stand at least as his equal , and indeed what started off that day as a sort of master-pupil relationship soon became a strange kind of poetic collaboration , in which we played equal parts .
13 Other social pressures , chief among them that of patronage in an age in which patronage had unprecedented importance in Roman society , must have had at least as great an importance .
14 Some biologists regard this as the only , or at least as the predominant , mechanism of speciation , whereas others take a more pluralist view .
15 That this should continue to be so is curious , as participants in many meetings covering a wide variety of subjects will often , when pressed , agree that the interchange which has taken place outwith the meeting has been at least as useful , and generally more enjoyable , than the actual meeting itself .
16 The Government spends nearly £3,000 million a year on civil research and development — at least as high a proportion of national income as the Japanese or Americans .
17 But of course , the ‘ life from space ’ hypothesis does not answer the question of how the very first organic molecules arose ; and it seems at least as likely that they arose on primitive Earth as elsewhere .
18 And indeed when we ponder the relationship between DNA and proteins , we see that co-operation has been at least as significant a force in evolution as has competition , and at the most fundamental level .
19 Worldwide , indeed , surplus nutrient is at least as dangerously polluting as pure toxin .
20 At least as significant with regard to Leapor 's reputation was her position in Poems by Eminent Ladies ( 1755 ) .
21 But the record shows clearly that they were definitely more expensive and at least as disruptive of local village life … as the earlier British programs had been .
22 The example of Virginia Woolf 's interior monologue has been at least as useful , in this way , as Joyce 's or Dorothy Richardson 's stream of consciousness , most immediately to Rosamond Lehmann and Elizabeth Bowen in the 1930s , as well as to later writers , women perhaps especially , such as Anita Brookner .
23 And it would seem that in this matter of dispersals the book ‘ trade ’ is a more honourable calling than the so-called library ‘ profession ’ , at least as it is carried on by its present avant garde .
24 Storage of the country 's literary heritage is at least as important , and neglect of this heritage by dispersal will be just as damaging .
25 1988 ; Northam , 1988 ) , it is at least as plausible to see these as a reactive response to rising crime and disorder , as the spontaneous cause of them .
26 Although people in the Cape Town ballet world thought highly of his promise , John 's talent as a choreographer was not regarded as proved by the time he left South Africa ( at only eighteen , why should it have been ? ) , and other young choreographers were at least as highly thought of .
27 I had also proved to myself that I could play football at least as well as the other boys , if not better .
28 The seller is probably at least as anxious to sell as you are to buy .
29 They quickly discovered that daylight bombing without fighter escorts was not on , and were also surprised to find that the RAF Lancaster was at least as formidable a fighting weapon as any of their own aircraft .
30 The most important of these , at least as it appeared to those involved , was the discovery of sea-floor spreading , which was transformed from a brave conception to a probability in 1963 .
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