Example sentences of "at which point " in BNC.

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1 And there are many others at which to point camera .
2 What can I do when there exists no object , no stolen thing at which to point and say , She 's taken my this or that ?
3 It happens at the ascent to the slow movement climax ( track 10 from 2′30″ ) and in the scherzo ( track 11 from 1′25″ and again from 3′29″ ) , at which points the accumulating tension of Liszt 's long paragraphs receives a nasty jolt .
4 I kept just killing time until it had gone eleven o'clock and all the cinema-goers had gone in for the late shows , at which point I decided to call it a day .
5 Pilots should be encouraged to make an assessment during the final turn of how much airbrake they will need as they start to straighten up for the final approach , instead of waiting until the turn is completed at which point it is already too late .
6 At which point she unlocked her ball and chain .
7 After four months back in traffic however , the discovery of further traces of blue asbestos on parts of the Pullman underframes , caused the set to be impounded again … at which point InterCity took the initiative to run its own refurbished VIP stock on the Scenic Land Cruise trains , albeit with Pullman Rail contracted to continue booking the trains .
8 Stock market sources said that the Hoare Govett buying dried up after about 60 million Ferranti shares had been traded , at which point Smith New Court stepped in and remained an aggressive buyer at 56p until the close .
9 At which point Mr Gorbachev 's strategy of turning the USSR into a prosperous society in which intelligent Russians can take pride will be doomed .
10 At which point I asked Mr Heseltine what he was up to .
11 At which point an editor would say , that is not how it works .
12 Boycott was asked for ‘ constructive questions ’ but according to the chairman Brian Walsh , ‘ he had none or declined to ask any ’ at which point the former England opener left .
13 He was being given the right of reply , it was pointed out , at which point he put the phone down .
14 There is a moment here when Fred Pearson 's Shotover ( looking like a raffish , siren-suited version of Shaw himself ) says of his daughter , Lady Utterword , that she is afraid that she has no heart to break : at which point Jennie Stoller 's stately , voluptuous Ariadne throws himself at his feet with a wrenching poignancy .
15 Unfortunately his foot was in it at the time and I slammed it , at which point he pulled out a badge and said he was a cop .
16 Party officials half expected the trade talks to break down eventually , at which point Mr Abe would make his entrance .
17 They will survive unscathed and largely unregulated until their activities unleash another financial disaster ; at which point this book will be a useful starting point for moppers-up .
18 We can imagine the formation of such a chemical bond as requiring that a spring be compressed to bring the substances close to one another , at which point they are held together by a catch , as the jack is held in a jack-in-the-box .
19 At which point the lyrics make an exciting switch to : ‘ I tried to beat heem , but he beat mee … ’ and so on .
20 A 5–2 lead did nothing to relax Jansher and Martin drew to 4–5 , at which point Jansher was warned to avoid physical contact with his opponent .
21 Their victims , the Bathursts , of Hankley Common , had the figures of one under fours after 15 holes at which point the Betts won 4 & 3 , needing three fours for a 69 .
22 If they are still experiencing the benefits of the last centesimal medicine then as usual you would wait for some indication before repeating or changing remedies at which point the LM can be prescribed .
23 At which point there was a massive crash which shook the entire building .
24 The nudes became a favourite meeting place of young men , at which point the local wives and mothers could contain themselves no longer and insisted that they be moved elsewhere , much to the annoyance of the sculptor Ernesto Bazzaro .
25 However , even when the dinner was over , their ‘ guests ’ showed no sign of leaving , at which point the Emperor began to pull on the ends of his moustache — one of the few signs of irritation he ever allowed himself .
26 Even buildings whose shorter periodicity put them out of the vulnerable category suffered ; the lengthy shaking made them progressively less brittle , in effect lengthening their period until they vibrated in resonance with the quake , at which point many began to collapse .
27 This narrowing or furring up of the arteries can slow down the flow of the blood to your heart ( giving rise to the condition known as angina ) or even cut off the supply completely , at which point a heart attack then occurs .
28 At which point Billykins , perhaps mindful of the more glamorous , civilized life she could have had as the wife of the editor of Holiday '76 , burst into tears and was comforted by Elinor .
29 We took off within minutes and flew about 100 miles to Swift Current , at which point the storm had increased to such velocity that Buchanan made an emergency landing and we all found a hotel in the town for the night .
30 Two days before the concert , Fernie Quinn , the only capable oboist in the vicinity , was taken ill , at which point Lady Barbirolli , who was an oboe player of some renown in Britain , offered to take the part and filled in with considerable distinction .
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