Example sentences of "at this distance " in BNC.

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1 Ahead lay a steep , narrow valley and a village , diminutive at this distance , its buildings clustered round a harbour .
2 Only a week ago , he was in New York beating the world champion , Abdi Bile , and the best of the rest at this distance .
3 It is hard , at this distance of time , to see what his motives were , apart from the mere love of a fight for its own sake , and the desire to promote one of his friends .
4 The optimism of 1959 which runs through them is quite breathtaking at this distance in time : ‘ Some experts insist on talking as if the only choices were immediate surrender , immediate preventive war or eventual world annihilation , ’ Kahn declared .
5 The book described it as ‘ remote ’ , but at this distance it seemed the centre of the world ; the eye of a ferocious storm whose outer edges could never pull free ; the heart of a titan , beating like thunder ; an energy so awesome that it was dragging the very edges of the forest ever closer .
6 ‘ I am really a baby at this distance and I am pretty nervous .
7 And they sat in the car with the windows down in the freezing dawn and they watched the distant city lights going out under the dawn at five in the morning , they sat there for a full half hour , looking , and thinking how beautiful the city looked at this time and at this distance
8 The noise of the crowd surrounding it could be heard even at this distance .
9 But even at this distance we can clearly recognise in Joe Johnson a player who made a sterling contribution to the Palace cause in the early and formative years of our club .
10 It does sound silly at this distance of time , but then , green as grass , I lapped it all up .
11 Although the lines are exceedingly fine ( ie , just resolved ) at this distance , increasing the separation between source and observer can produce very strong lines which account for the glare I have noticed .
12 If the race had been over 62 metres then I felt I would have won , but there are no championships at this distance so I had to be content with second place .
13 At this distance it is impossible to tell if Gert could have made more of his early life if he had been given the chance to make use of the ‘ creative ability ’ spotted early on by one of his helpers .
14 The heat should feel comfortable at this distance .
15 Further inland , and only just visible from the southern window was the Old Rectory , set like a Victorian dolls ' house in its large , overgrown garden which , at this distance , looked as neatly green and formal as a municipal park .
16 I ca n't remember whether there were six or eight at this distance of time .
17 It is easy at this distance in time to explain the pattern away as an inevitable feature of the wider transition from one form of economy to another , but there can have been little pleasure for families like the Eldridges or Mepkins of Battle whose members appeared regularly in the poor-relief accounts over several generations .
18 However , at this distance from the monster , she could see that it was none other than her own tabby cat , which for some reason had grown to the size of a mammoth .
19 At this distance , we may find Balboa 's antics in the surf laughably pretentious ; but at the time the sighting of the Mar del Sur , as he felt compelled to christen the new sea , was a formidable discovery indeed : the implications of its swift and secure passage into the hands of Spain were profound in the extreme .
20 At this distance I hardly think we 'd trigger anything even if the bomb was activated , but no chances .
21 Difficult , at this distance , to shut out of mind photographs of Waugh in his later years in his modest country house , forever trying to look like a country gentleman and forever ( as a friend once remarked ) looking like a bookie .
22 The overall effect is visually complicated and inelegant , and could only be explained by recourse to arcane ritual references , which at this distance of time we have little hope of tracing .
23 The main problem then , inevitably when cutting at this distance from your eyes , is to make pruning cuts as clean and precise as when the secateurs are actually in your hand .
24 It was known from collocation studies ( see Chapter 4 ) that the information from co-occurrence relations is optimised at a distance of four words , so the window size was provisionally set at this distance .
25 However , the window size is currently set at four words , and at this distance the difference between the two algorithms is very slight .
26 It is hard at this distance to work out whether the family played a great part in the daughter 's choice of trade , though common sense suggests that this was probably so .
27 Even at this distance , and despite the coat , William can tell that she is quite slim .
28 But that , as they suggest , is a well-nigh impossible task at this distance in time .
29 Even at this distance .
30 He sought , self-consciously , now that he once again walked those familiar streets , to catch up with that other , vanished self who , at this distance , seemed more real than the person he had become .
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