Example sentences of "at the big " in BNC.

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1 Some of the people sitting at the big table did not even raise their eyes .
2 I must have a look round later , maybe look in at the big house , and see what Shimi Lovat and his officers were having for dinner .
3 By the way , Piper , ’ he continued , ‘ why do n't you sleep over at the big house ?
4 ‘ No , Taff , It 's just the same at the big house , slit trenches and mosquitoes .
5 At the big house I met the Officer who had been looking for me earlier on .
6 ‘ Next week some time , ’ answered the Scouse , ‘ This is a fact , he continued One of the staff at the big house overheard the Brigade Major talking to the Medical Officer . ’
7 I am over at the big house within a couple of minutes , kilt on , best sporran and carrying the bagpipes , and prepared for anything .
8 Sheila and Mona were writing at side tables ; Michael was kneeling at the big armchair , a book between his elbows , as if in prayer , a position he sometimes used for studying .
9 They went to Oakport Woods , leaving their bicycles at the big iron gate , and walking with their books over the grass to the belt of trees along Oakport Lake .
10 At the big Mevasseret absorption centre near Jerusalem , where there are 77 Russian families in different stages of acclimatization , only half the breadwinners are working .
11 He considered him as he caused coffee to be produced and established them at the big table at the other end of his room .
12 Recently , some members of the Jockey Club have been throwing insults at the big commercial bookmakers and the state-run betting system , known as the Tote .
13 They were real grown-up long trousers exactly like those worn by the boys at the big school .
14 High on the back wall was the window of the projection room , where strange machinery aimed its flickering beams at the big screen and by sheer magic produced talking , moving , living pictures .
15 Then she sat at the big table with only a pot of tea for herself while Frankie and his father cleared their plates in silence .
16 Frankie would be set to work at the big sink , and before he washed each plate and roasting-pan he would scrape it clean with his fingers and eat every last scrap of chicken , sage and onion stuffing , corned beef , sliced Spam and cheese .
17 I work at the big house taking Oreste with me it is kitchen work and not difficult and gives me extra .
18 When I arrived at the Big House , I was asked to stay to lunch .
19 ‘ The rich man in his castle , ’ ! that 's Mr Harker and his family up at the big house … ’
20 Look forward to a mega-massive contest taking place at the big Point Depo Stadium , in Dublin , over the May 17–19th weekend .
21 ‘ I had Barney Summerville in tonight , you know , he works at the big house .
22 As she lifted her stick in the air she stared in dumb amazement at the big carp jerking in its death throes .
23 As it came near he quickly lowered the camera and directed a wide-eyed stare , straight at the big cat .
24 Now the bell is beginning to toll for indoor athletics at the station as , at long last , new facilities are being opened , at Kelvin Hall in Glasgow and soon at the big centre in Birmingham .
25 She poked a finger at the big red raw patches on her thighs .
26 Stand back from time to time and take a look at the big picture .
27 She had turned her big dining room into a study ; there each boy had his own place at the big felt-covered table , — books could be left undisturbed .
28 Puts those strange beings who hang out in London 's Forbidden Planet to shame : at the big bookstores in Tokyo 's student district , some will stand there reading Rapeman for eight hours on end
29 Brawner was the tops and he gave Mario his first nibble at the big time .
30 I could see the neighbours looking curiously at the big box he had with him .
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