Example sentences of "at the possibility " in BNC.

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1 We are young and youth is said to be fickle , mutable , and we have both looked at the possibility of ourselves not being exceptions to that supposed rule .
2 He added : ‘ We did look at the possibility of replacing McDermott with another fast bowler but all those good enough were already committed elsewhere . ’
3 Although the country may have lost its strategic significance with the collapse of the Soviet Union , Washington is nevertheless concerned at the possibility of an unstable radical Islamic state growing up on the borders of the former Soviet Central Asia .
4 Similarly , IPCC is looking at the possibility that sulphate pollution in the northern hemisphere is reflecting the sun 's heat and retarding global warming — another case where pollution control could raise fresh problems .
5 Following this there may be discomfort on urination , and a vicious circle is started in which memory of previous discomfort combines with apprehension at the possibility of its recurring and perpetuates the nervousness or fear that was responsible in the first place .
6 To be sure , I have had to deal with various phenomena and minister to those who have experienced them , and there have certainly been some chilling moments , but in general a ghost would have to flay me alive with its chains before I raised an eyebrow at the possibility of its presence .
7 When potential investors , and more particularly their banks , look at the possibility of setting up in a district , they invariably inquire about the water supply and the standards and controls of effluents and sewerage systems .
8 Despite all the theoretical and intuitive objections to a Martian origin — the uncertainties of the evidence and difficulties of proof — excitement is mounting at the possibility that , without waiting for a mission to return samples from Mars , we may already have Martian samples at hand .
9 October opened auspiciously with Everards looking at the possibility of setting up a brewery in the Falklands .
10 The use of the layby , however , gave concern and councillors suggested looking at the possibility of filling in the laybys along Trinity Hill to prevent further incidents .
11 Councillors agreed to look at the possibility of closing off Roedowns Road to help with possible traffic-flow problems .
12 That we ought to have a careful look at the possibility of developing this hotel on a timeshare basis .
13 It is this popularity which has prompted the management to look at the possibility of introducing these fit bodies to the joys of tennis , by offering complimentary tennis tuition , a worthy initiative and one which can only enhance the game in the club and its surrounding area .
14 We are , however , in discussion with the Receiver on the formation of a new group , including us , which will look at the possibility of purchase back and the resurrection of the business ’ .
15 But at the end of his paper Nagel hints at the possibility of an objective phenomenology .
16 The charity Sustrans has produced a feasibility report looking at the possibility of linking existing railway paths in West Cumbria and Country Durham via a network of minor roads , bridleways and disused railway tracks .
17 Bangladeshi mothers expressed concern at the possibility of infant overheating , and this was one of the explanations given for the practice of shaving babies ' heads .
18 As Bosnia pulls back from the brink of peace , we look at why the Bosnian Serbs rejected the Vance-Owen peace plan , at what the West might do next , and at the possibility now raised of a wider Balkan war
19 He and Shinwell had told the Central Authority at their first meeting in September 1947 that , while general price rises could be ruled out , they were prepared to look at the possibility of controlling demand at peak times by differentially higher prices for peak use or by mechanical load-restricting devices .
20 The BEA also looked carefully at the possibility of importing plant and materials , but ( with steel prices significantly higher in the USA and Europe and considerable difficulties in obtaining foreign exchange ) they confined themselves to importing only a few specialist components which were causing serious delays in the programme .
21 This seems a more satisfactory way of looking at the possibility that a society may be an organic unity than Moore 's principles allow .
22 The industry 's reaction to news of the Novell/USL negotiations ( UX No 398 ) is less one of surprise at the possibility that Novell might effectively buy Unix than at the timing .
23 With suppressed excitement and relief at the possibility of preoccupation , he told the Foreign Secretary that the crisis of the monarchy was upon them , that he ( Eden ) must go and read his own overseas correspondence on the subject ( which he had not apparently hitherto done ) , and that he must not trouble him ( Baldwin ) too much with foreign affairs just now .
24 But nobody ever so much as hinted at the possibility that she might return .
25 Erm in terms of er forcing people to have it , well you ca n't er somebody has to want to , to look at the possibility so that we would er er let people be aware there are , there are secular organizations like er er in England it 's Re er er it 's Relate , er marriage guidance , Scotland , still called that in Scotland .
26 If there is an important and difficult question of law , however , I do not anticipate that senior judges will either feel ‘ demeaned ’ or take umbrage at the possibility of the courts looking at the question again on fuller argument .
27 The hale and hearty young archivists stood by , worried that she might die — worried partly because of the venerable old man 's fever that she should n't , and partly because of professional affront at the possibility of all that memorabilia going west .
28 In fact , behind the bland constitutional concern to protect human rights through a Bill of Rights , there often lurks a partisan and intensely political concern to restrict the role of the state because of an attachment to a theory of limited government , born of a desire to use the law to defend the private sphere and capitalism , so hitting at the possibility of socialism and the democratic road to its attainment .
29 Although the USSR has hinted at the possibility of cooperation with the GCC over issues of Gulf security , its attitude to this body , especially over GCC plans for coordinated security arrangements , remained negative in the early 1980s .
30 ‘ You say she cleared out ; I suppose you looked at the possibility that she went — wherever she did go — not of her own free will ? ’
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