Example sentences of "at [art] sea " in BNC.

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1 She gazing at the sea , he at her .
2 As we continued to stare at the sea , racking our brains about how to go for a swim without a costume , our thoughts were answered by a voice from just behind us .
3 I looked down at the sea breaking on the rocks .
4 It 's like being at the sea , early in the morning with the seagulls and the sea pounding away and the fresh air .
5 I am like the cow at the sea shore , bound by the motion of the waves .
6 Clasper looked out at the sea of open mouths which chorused against him .
7 The account of the events at the sea is made up of two versions , quite distinct from one another , but cleverly intertwined .
8 After the victory at the sea the triumph song , but hardly have the last notes escaped Israel 's lips than we come to the second story of complaint ( 15.22–7 ) .
9 But for the moment there is no act of salvation like that at the Sea .
10 For example , at the Sea Mist Resort , a week 's bed and breakfast and golf costs $356 ( about £205 ) in September .
11 Endill hesitated and looked down at the sea crashing against the rocks .
12 Endill looked down at the sea .
13 He glanced down at the sea , then back at Endill .
14 He did n't know how — perhaps a different feel to the tiller or in the way the bows felt at the sea .
15 He pointed a horny finger at the sea .
16 We are half-hearted creatures , fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us , like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he can not imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea .
17 He knew that she stopped and stared at the sea or the sky far too much these days .
18 George MacDonald saw the people from Strathnaver arriving at the sea : ‘ When they came down from the Strath to the sea-shore they suffered very much from want of houses .
19 Nell continued to stare at the sea for a very long time .
20 I sat for hours staring at the sea .
21 By the time we arrived at the sea , those of us who did not know that stretch of coastline were completely removed from any sense of place or direction .
22 The senator was again not looking at me but at the sea , and his voice was immensely sad .
23 To the north , however , at the south-western end of the Faeroe-Shetland Channel , the stronger bottom currents have locally exposed debris-flow sediments at the sea bed .
24 She stood up there on centre stage in her green breeches with legs apart and riding-crop in hand , glaring at the sea of upturned faces before her .
25 I would finish unpacking , have a look at the cooker and set things ready for supper , then I would take a walk out to look at the sea , and gather kindling in case the evening turned chilly enough for a fire .
26 A look at the sea below me told me that the tide was still low , though presumably it had begun to turn .
27 Now I 'm letting you have a look at the sea before we call on her .
28 The Guardian reports that 25 baby sharks ( in this case Tope ) were being cared for at the Sea Life Centre at Hastings after their mother was netted by a fisherman .
29 Beautiful , eh ? ’ levelling stubby fingers with pride at oyster pink sand and casuarina pines shimmying at the sea chambered turquoise and petrol-blue .
30 We sat with George looking at the sea .
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