Example sentences of "at [art] present " in BNC.

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1 At the present rate of referral , numbers are more than set to double during the year .
2 This is an author who has contributed to the Russia which has come after him — to the emergence there , at the present time , of the demand for a lawful Opposition , for the duality of democracy .
3 At the present time , it has become attenuated but not extinct , and it continues in the long review-articles in the new York Review of Books and London Review of Books , and a few other periodicals .
4 I think it true to say that at the present time it is not at all difficult for academics to appear in print .
5 At the present time interpretation , often of a narrow and unrewarding kind , flourishes , usually though falsely claimed on publishers ' blurbs to be saying something completely new and important .
6 At the present time , there is much interest in the English past , evoked in exhibitions commemorating historical events , and evident in the spread of museums and the great popularity of visiting country homes .
7 It was because Pound behaved always in the spirit of this remark that he could not fail to offend Englishmen of the type of Beerbohm and Bowra , and that he continues to offend their likes and their successors ( in all social classes ) at the present day , as , for instance , his confrere T.S .
8 And so the last page or so is given over to French names : Corbière and Jammes and De Regnier ; Tailhade and Romains ; Vildrac , Spire and Arcos — poets who at the present day have few readers even among the French .
9 During the period of entry , interest rates may have to be kept at the present emergency level , but it is an emergency level , a punishment for past sins of credit creation and lax management .
10 It is a fallacy at the present moment to believe that there are any quick cures for our monetary difficulties , least of all joining the ERM ( European exchange rate mechanism ) .
11 The future It was peculiarly difficult to predict future trends at the present time when it was anticipated that there would be a major re-distribution of work in the trial courts in consequence of legislation to give effect to the recommendations of the Civil Justice Review .
12 At the present time , as we have described , the problem with daytime sleep is believed to be only that it is too short .
13 It is important to recognize that an identical project promoted at the present time would not offer good value for money in comparison with a new-build scheme .
14 Probably the most common type of conversion project at the present time is the adaptation of a mill or warehouse into a block of dwellings .
15 * At the present rate of destruction many countries whose only real asset is the forest may have none at all by the year 2,000 .
16 At the present time your plenty will supply what they need ; so that in turn their plenty will supply what you need .
17 The EC Commission said much the same in its submission to the Energy Committee : ‘ At the present time the FBR is the only reactor type which could , if introduced early enough , extend the lifetime of our uranium resources to the end of the next century — and beyond . ’
18 At the present day , however , the rights of the purchaser of the legal estate for value without notice are diminished by the Land Charges Act 1972 , which has in certain cases prevented such a purchaser from defeating the rights of the equitable owners , by enabling certain rights in the land to be registered , and providing that registration is equivalent to notice .
19 At the present day they have no powers over the infant 's land .
20 It has had a long and complicated history ; but , at the present day , the form required by law for the creation and transfer of estates and interests in land is both uniform and simple .
21 The strict settlement method is rarely used at the present day .
22 It is not possible here to say more about the different types of trust which are commonly created at the present time , nor of the powers and duties of the trustees , nor of the methods of administration .
23 ‘ When travelling in the country , you sense an enormous fear and anger at the present reforms ; in well-healed suburbs , there is approval of the reforms but still a great fear of the random violence they have released . ’
24 The despair in the air was particularly dense at the present time , though its monetarist perpetrators were now fighting a rearguard action against the rest of Europe .
25 At the same time these results are likely to be slow , and if we are right in our conclusion that we are faced at the present time with a certain amount of abnormal employment of a quasi-permanent character , then it is not sufficient to solely rely on the gradual improvement of productive efficiency .
26 A GLANCE at the present political map of the South West shows almost all of the region under Conservative control .
27 If sport carries on combining with showbiz at the present rate , this dingy logic will eventually be hard to resist .
28 It would be particularly appropriate at the present time to pay more attention to this aspect , and to obtain better information about crofters ' levels of living , including the subsistence component and remittances from emigrants .
29 So far in this section we have looked at the present provision of training and at ways of improving the system .
30 Unfortunately , at the present time , there appears to be a marked lack of systematic attempts to create a focus on community and rural development within formal education .
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