Example sentences of "at [art] certain " in BNC.

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1 In reality , it underestimates the not-in-my-backyard factor ( who is going to say : ‘ Yes , please build your new town here ? ’ ) and the temptation for county and district councils to avoid hard decisions which might benefit the county or region as a whole , at the certain cost of arousing fierce local opposition .
2 At a certain point , he wrote , you have to let go , he wrote , you have to let it go .
3 Obviously , it does not suddenly become safe to steepen the climb at a certain height , and it is now recognised that the angle should be progressively steepened .
4 Training will have made dancers more adept at a certain style of dance and they usually show preference fur a certain type of step : elevation , pointe work , pirouettes or whatever .
5 At a certain field strength — the lower critical field — the magnetic field began to penetrate portions of the sample and so the sample was a mixture of superconducting and normal states .
6 Income elasticity of demand for any product will change as income per head rises , but when income per head is currently at a certain level , income elasticity of demand for a product can be estimated from the statistical analysis .
7 I can not therefore deny that in this context a settled and preponderant public demand ought to be taken into account or that at a certain point it would have to prevail .
8 At a certain point in a writer 's career , he or she may want to set up his or her own publishing company .
9 Second , because those histories eventually facilitate a reversal in the object of analysis : at a certain stage it is no longer homosexuality , or the perversions as ordinarily understood , which need explaining , but ( among other things ) the classification of heterosexuality as the norm with homosexuality as its perverse other , and the splitting , displacements , and paranoia which accompany that division .
10 His old friend Barfield ruefully suggested that ‘ at a certain stage in his life he deliberately ceased to take any interest in himself except as a kind of spiritual animus taking stock of his moral faults …
11 He was talented enough and resourceful enough to survive it , although I think it almost devastated and destroyed him at a certain point .
12 We learn from experience that certain visible appearances are connected with tactile objects of a certain size at a certain distance from us .
13 Listen to him talking about his moment of conversion when at a certain event he ‘ asked Jesus into his heart ’ .
14 I first saw Salamanca at a certain moment of dusk when the setting sun still casts a deep red glow over the city 's rosy stone .
15 But again I held myself warily at a certain distance , not daring to make contact with him for fear of falling into the kind of trap Dana had prepared for me .
16 If reserved for his personal use , it might put him at a certain advantage over his employer .
17 Abrams himself , North remarked with some heat , did not need to ask ; he knew ; but at a certain point , knowledge became uncomfortable .
18 Then , at a certain moment , I just could not go on with that any longer .
19 At a certain stage in the evening Modigliani would decide to undress , unravelling the long red scarf he wore around his waist in theatrical fashion .
20 Transformation : E. coli at a certain stage of their growth cycle can , after treatment with chemicals such as calcium chloride or rubidium chloride , take up raw DNA ( for example , DNA purified in the laboratory ) and , if it contains appropriate sequences , will incorporate them into their own genomes .
21 They say that at a certain point it will stop expanding and start contracting again , back into the original primal seed .
22 In England , by contrast , although there were some villages where having a widowed parent in the house ‘ was very much the ordinary , expected thing ’ at a certain stage in life , already by the late middle ages it was not the normal pattern .
23 At a certain point one is compelled to develop a conception of insight , or pure thinking , which is not recognisably ‘ moral ’ , something which simulates , or is , the rising up of man into the divine , as if one were being driven into the godhead . ’
24 At a certain point in his investigations , at the harbour in Trieste , the narrator imagines the pleasure felt by the midshipman who at that moment is explaining the lay-out and workings of his ship to two visitors , giving all the parts of the ship and all the instruments their proper names , which ‘ have no synonyms ’ ( Del Giudice 1983 : 44 ) ; and muses further on his own dreams of navigation , envying the midshipman ‘ the way in which he concentrates on the angle and the height , and his habit of considering himself in relation to something ’ , above all ‘ the exactitude of the chart ’ ( 45 ) .
25 Observation is at a certain point self-effacing ; interrogations cancel each other out .
26 Indeed , at a certain point the stories come to seem almost like pauses , moments of reflection perhaps , in a wider discourse that envelopes the written word , such as to make the readers of Celati 's narrative acknowledge something in common with Palomar listening to his blackbirds , uncertain which part of their communication is language , which silence .
27 For example a particular combination of kinetic and chemical energy at a certain temperature may give a cleaning time of ten minutes .
28 And then at a certain point she felt , and we felt , that Madam was n't quite enough ; and so just now , anyway , she was known as Madame , and no one in The Bar ever addressed her as anything else .
29 In the years I have trained Rottweilers , I have always found there to be a barrier at a certain stage where the dog becomes stubborn .
30 A pleasing example of this was the ‘ evening gun ’ fired by British artillery with clockwork regularity at a certain part of the line .
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