Example sentences of "at [num] eight " in BNC.

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1 Any advance on fifty eight pound for the lot ? going in at fifty eight pounds .
2 It 's going in at fifty eight pound .
3 Today 's shares : Abbey National down one at two two seven point five , British Aerospace up six at five four five , British Airways unchanged at a hundred and thirty seven , British Gas went down two point five to two two three , while British Telecom went down one to two seven five , the Goodhead Publishing Group stayed at fifty eight , Metalbox unchanged at one O eight eight , Morland Brewers went down two to two hundred and sixty eight , but Oxford Instruments stayed at two hundred and thirty , Thames Water down four at two two eight , Trustee Savings Bank up two point five at a hundred and thirty seven point five , and today 's major movers , Reuters up twenty four at seven hundred and thirteen , and Bass up ten at one O four six .
4 Three pieces , eight by eighteen hundred by nine three hundred at eleven eight hundred and twelve point ninety nine .
5 But say the figure had been erm fo he 's travelling at forty eight point three miles an hour , and you want to know how far he 's gone after twenty seven minutes or something , it 's a bit more awkward then so it 'd be easier to look it up on a graph .
6 Mr puts his claim for loss of interest on the extra capital employed using a multiplier of twenty at forty eight thousand two hundred and forty pounds .
7 halves , you 're looking at forty eight ?
8 erm it 's at forty eight
9 One piece , six point three five ten point one , three three fifty , three five , five thousand by twelve hundred at six eight two point two three .
10 It 's going in at ninety eight pounds the lot .
11 be a bit of sunshine expected and temperatures back up to near normal at sixty eight degrees fahrenheit .
12 Are you all finished now it 's going in at sixty eight pound .
13 He 's got a Metro at the moment they 're driving around in , she drives , she passed her test at sixty eight .
14 As a result of tight every-day control costs other operating charges at seventy eight point seven million have fallen as the percentage of sales by point nine per cent to twenty four point six per cent and depreciation in the period has fallen by two point three million to eight point four million .
15 At seventy eight , nearly seventy nine , you know .
16 You know , at , at seventy eight , you know , nearly seventy nine , you know , it 's all in the mind .
17 Started off at twelve eight nineteen eleven .
18 Report to King 's Cross at zero eight hundred hours tomorrow morning .
19 The th the snapshot is that we 've looked at twenty eight jobs , and out of those twenty eight jobs , if we have been working on scale fees , it would appear that we would have lost money on twenty of them .
20 That is I can see clearly now , at twenty eight minutes to four o'clock , midweek , on a muggy Wednesday afternoon on Trent F M , and your weather for the rest of today , the fourteenth of July .
21 Th the gentleman at twenty eight .
22 Are you all finished now at twenty eight pound ? any advance on twenty eight pound the lot .
23 Well we dredged it , alongside of Cliff Quay , that was twenty eight feet of water at low tide , that was that 's what they guarantee , apart from what they call and then two blasts off , two ships was laying that 'd be at twenty eight feet , then that would rise ten feet below what they call , cos all in metres now .
24 At twenty pounds twenty bid twenty two twenty five , twenty eight twenty eight pounds against you now , any more at twenty eight ?
25 All done at twenty eight pounds then , any more , thirty five thirty five against you standing , thirty five , all done then , at thirty five pounds , any more ?
26 Twenty two five eight standing twenty eight pounds standing now , any more at twenty eight , thirty , thirty five , forty forty five , fifty fifty pounds on my right , any more at fifty ?
27 All finished at twenty two , twenty five twenty eight twenty eight still , twenty eight then , all done now at twenty eight pounds .
28 But I just I simply need to point out that these I five allocations are targeted at twenty eight percent of the workforce .
29 Two and a half hours for setup at twenty eight pounds an hour .
30 The hundred shares index closed up one point three at twenty eight thirty three exactly
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