Example sentences of "at [num] hundred " in BNC.

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1 He had only been back for a few hours when company orders were posted showing that Colonel Hamilton wished to see Lance-Corporal Trumper at eleven hundred hours the following morning .
2 On 11 November 1918 , at eleven hundred hours , hostilities ceased and a grateful nation stood in silence for three minutes when , on a railway carriage in the forest of Compiegne , the Armistice was signed .
3 On October ninth , the Ninety Second Group participated in the Eighth Airforce 's longest mission to assault the harbour area at Gdynia , Poland on the western side of the Danzig , twenty one aircraft led by took off at eight hundred hours and twenty returned ten and a half hours later .
4 Six seven hundred , seven fifty seven hundred and fifty eight hundred on my right now at eight hundred pounds , any more ?
5 At eight hundred , eight fifty eight fifty on my left nine hundred nine hundred pounds , any more ?
6 At seven hundred pounds , seven fifty eight hundred eight hundred , it 's against you now , any more at eight hundred pounds still with me at eight hundred , are you all done at eight hundred pounds ?
7 At seven hundred pounds , seven fifty eight hundred eight hundred , it 's against you now , any more at eight hundred pounds still with me at eight hundred , are you all done at eight hundred pounds ?
8 At seven hundred pounds , seven fifty eight hundred eight hundred , it 's against you now , any more at eight hundred pounds still with me at eight hundred , are you all done at eight hundred pounds ?
9 I shall sell then at eight hundred pounds , against you all in the room .
10 Four eighty , five hundred and fifty , six hundred and fifty seven hundred and fifty , eight hundred against you now at eight hundred and fifty seated there at the back at eight fifty nine hundred standing at nine hundred , nine fifty , one thousand one thousand pounds , any more ?
11 Ninety seven there it is now showing , Lot ninety seven , singing bird in cage I have three hundred offered for this , three hundred pounds and twenty , three fifty , three eighty , four hundred and twenty , fifty four eighty five hundred fifty six hundred and fifty , seven hundred fifty eight hundred eight hundred pounds seated now , any more at eight hundred and fifty nine hundred and fifty nine fifty nine fifty , one thousand new bidder thousand one hundred one thousand one hundred pounds , any more ?
12 Five fifty , six hundred and fifty seven hundred and fifty eight hundred eight hundred pounds near the back seated at eight hundred , any more ?
13 At eight hundred pounds on my right and I shall sell at eight hundred pounds .
14 At eight hundred pounds on my right and I shall sell at eight hundred pounds .
15 Eight fifty on the right and I 'll sell at eight hundred and fifty pounds .
16 Lot one hundred and twenty mother of pearl case now three hundred for this one , three hundred pounds , any more ? three hundred and twenty , three fifty , three eighty , four hundred and twenty four hundred and twenty , four fifty four eighty five hundred fifty six hundred six fifty seven hundred seven hundred pounds near the back , any more at seven hundred , and fifty new bidder against you now seven hundred and fifty over there on the right at the back and I 'll sell at seven fifty eight hundred eight hundred on the left at the back , now any more at eight hundred pounds ?
17 Against you on the right eight hundred pounds and I shall sell then are you all done at eight hundred pounds ?
18 Eight hundred pounds are you all done then at eight hundred and fifty , nine hundred at nine hundred pounds with me still , are you all done at nine hundred pounds ?
19 Seven fifty , eight hundred and fifty there at the back in the aisle at eight hundred and fifty pounds nine hundred and fifty one thousand , one hundred two hundred , three hundred four hundred a thousand five hundred six hundred one thousand seven hundred , one thousand eight hundred , nine hundred two thousand two thousand two hundred , two thousand four hundred six hundred eight hundred two thousand eight hundred pounds in the fifth row now any more ?
20 One hundred and thirty four er Bordier box , there it is , Lot one three four it 's illustrated in the catalogue a small box with a , Lot one three four and I have three hundred pounds offered for it , three hundred pounds and twenty , three fifty , three eighty , four hundred , and twenty , four fifty , four eighty five hundred and fifty , six hundred and fifty , seven hundred and fifty eight hundred and fifty near the back in the aisle at eight hundred and fifty now nine hundred nine fifty nine hundred and fifty , any more ?
21 At eight hundred and fifty pounds on my left seated and I 'll sell at eight hundred and fifty pounds , all done ? five .
22 At eight hundred and fifty pounds on my left seated and I 'll sell at eight hundred and fifty pounds , all done ? five .
23 At eight hundred pounds and selling for eight hundred pounds , have you all finished at eight hundred pounds , anybody else at eight hundred ?
24 At eight hundred pounds and selling for eight hundred pounds , have you all finished at eight hundred pounds , anybody else at eight hundred ?
25 At eight hundred pounds and selling for eight hundred pounds , have you all finished at eight hundred pounds , anybody else at eight hundred ?
26 There we are , there 's the Buddha up , up here on my left there it is showing for five hundred pounds at five hundred pounds I 'm offered thank you , five hundred is bid , and fifty , six hundred and fifty seven hundred and fifty eight hundred at eight hundred pounds , all done at eight hundred pounds , I 'm selling for eight hundred , any further bids at eight hundred pounds ?
27 There we are , there 's the Buddha up , up here on my left there it is showing for five hundred pounds at five hundred pounds I 'm offered thank you , five hundred is bid , and fifty , six hundred and fifty seven hundred and fifty eight hundred at eight hundred pounds , all done at eight hundred pounds , I 'm selling for eight hundred , any further bids at eight hundred pounds ?
28 There we are , there 's the Buddha up , up here on my left there it is showing for five hundred pounds at five hundred pounds I 'm offered thank you , five hundred is bid , and fifty , six hundred and fifty seven hundred and fifty eight hundred at eight hundred pounds , all done at eight hundred pounds , I 'm selling for eight hundred , any further bids at eight hundred pounds ?
29 Any more at eight hundred pounds ?
30 At eight hundred pounds to my right .
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