Example sentences of "at [art] very " in BNC.

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1 India in 1947 saw the ‘ largest migration in history ’ , for at the very moment of its independence , it was divided , its western and eastern regions became the ‘ Muslim homeland ’ of Pakistan .
2 Almost a month went by before she allowed herself an evening to realise that there was at the very least and latest , an unfinished conversation between them .
3 If you deliver an effective technique at the very moment that the time-up bell sounds , then your score will be accepted .
4 His poetry tells a different story : there was wide and profound sentience — of man and nature , of beauty and the beast , of times and seasons , of perception and tactility , of hearing and tasting , and smelling ; at the bottom of which remains an unresolved questing , a whole gamut of unanswered questions which drove at the very heart of what he most wished to believe .
5 Even Father had all but stood to attention at the very mention of the pucca angrez saab .
6 The motion-work was at the very apogee of clockmaking technology and the case-work enjoyed a world wide reputation for quality of design and good taste , all at very competitive pricing .
7 And at the very end of the decade , after this chapter had been written , Provincial announced that such was the cost of retaining ageing DMUs that in 1990 some services would be temporarily reduced until more Sprinters come on stream .
8 At the very minimum they must have been made on the basis of a police guarantee that matters would be manipulated so that courts would not impose additional punishment for the illusory offences .
9 Well , Tam has asked the question but answered it elsewhere , writing that Crossman 's ‘ sense of his own position in the elite of the nation never deserted him ’ , and that ‘ he seldom if ever had any doubts about his place at the very epicentre of the British Establishment ’ .
10 Imagining his grandfather turning in his grave at the very thought , he paid £120 to repair the old one .
11 Up to 10,000 armed Palestinians live in Sidon and the surrounding hills , and the PLO is bound to be accused by its enemies of involvement in the kidnappings at the very moment when President Mubarak of Egypt is trying to involve PLO supporters in peace talks with Israel .
12 But with stunning clarity they demonstrate again how the great reformer has unleashed forces which he and his country no longer control , and which now are playing on the German Question itself , the issue which lies at the very heart of today 's European order .
13 Some find her inconsistencies maddening , failing to understand how a right-on feminist could have done such a thing as using Mandy Smith in her show at the very height of the tabloid fuss over Smith 's under-age relationship with Bill Wyman .
14 The frequency of political discussions rose sharply between the pre-campaign week and the final campaign , but then it continued to rise steadily throughout the campaign to peak at the very end .
15 My mother grabbed me at the very edge of the roof , just before I toppled the two storeys to the street .
16 Instead ‘ failure ’ is something endlessly repeated and relived moment by moment throughout our individual histories … . feminism 's affinity with psychoanalysis rests above all , I would argue , with this recognition that there is a resistance to identity at the very heart of psychic life .
17 As Jane Feuer points out , camp involves a kind of sensibility in which ‘ blank mimicry and a critical edge may coexist ’ , and thereby resembles that form of postmodern parody which Linda Hutcheon defines as a ‘ repetition with critical distance that allows ironic signalling of difference at the very heart of similarity ’ .
18 The very impurity which the radical humanist seeks to transcend , only despairingly to rediscover at the very centre of his or her being — this impurity , for the fantasies of transgressive reinscription , is not the ground of its failure but the material upon which it works .
19 At the very end of his lite , writing again of the importance of how his experience as a homosexual had pushed him along the path of revolt , and recalling joyfully one of his lovers , Mala , Gide adds :
20 He told her so at the very end .
21 But the scales down Fenna 's tail grew gradually smaller and smaller , the darker shades of his back and the paler shades of his underside blending together , and at the very tip , small as a child 's thumb , they were minute and a shade that , when she tried to match it to paint sample cards was usually called eau de nil .
22 And thus it was that she came to be , on that February evening , poised at the very crown of the hill in Kensington Gardens , looking down the hill , with her back to Bayswater and home and trembling with the fear that she had at last grown up .
23 So in my view design is absolutely fundamental and at the very core of most businesses .
24 Indeed in cases where such companies had a vital stake , as with the British South Africa Union Minière in Zaire they were seen to behave badly at the very point at which their host countries became independent .
25 Such were the small gains to be made from a playing career at the very top .
26 And finally , they should explain at the very beginning of their conversation why they are phoning you .
27 At the very moment Lewis was finishing The Place of the Lion , Williams was reading The Allegory of Love with great admiration .
28 The biographer is absolutely right to say at the very beginning that Quisling is not at all difficult to understand .
29 Restrop was built at the very height of the great Elizabethan age , when the craft of building began to turn into an art .
30 As Mr Cameron puts it , ‘ At the very time when most people want and need mobility — during the morning and evening peak periods — the system actually carries fewer of them than it does at various off-peak times . ’
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