Example sentences of "at [art] appropriate " in BNC.

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1 From that moment , I never doubted that God had put the right man , Vitalis , in the right place at the appropriate time .
2 The video monitors are on the floor facing upwards in front of the speaker and there are two pieces of glass above so that the speech is reflected at the speaker 's eye-level , directing his main focus at the appropriate part of the audience .
3 They felt a failure to handle strategic issues ( for example , negotiations and relationships with the voluntary sector ) at the appropriate higher levels resulted in CMHTs being forced to tackle tasks which were ‘ beyond them ’ .
4 For the system to obey the rules of autopoiesis , the reaction must occur at the appropriate location at the interface between the structures and the medium .
5 We shall seek to create conditions in which , at the appropriate time , the new democracies of Central and Eastern Europe can join the Community .
6 To help us decide how much liquid to make up let us look at the appropriate dosages for each of Hahnemann 's suggestions .
7 There was one witness , a Mrs Jackson , who had bumped into a man at the appropriate time , near Oliver 's premises in Cross Street , but the good lady was refusing to make a statement without the consent of her husband .
8 They reported , quite correctly , that over a dozen people had witnessed him in or around the vicinity of Cross Street at the appropriate time .
9 Various witnesses , including shoppers and tramdrivers , gave varying accounts of witnessing Drew or somebody like him at the appropriate time of the murder .
10 The landlord of the Oxford Arms , a pub near Duncan Woods , stated that he heard a gunshot at the appropriate time .
11 Operation is dependent on using the correct chemical products at the appropriate dilutions in the correct sequence with correct temperatures and a flow rate that will ensure maximum turbulence .
12 Constant liaison at the appropriate level is therefore necessary to avoid a situation arising where problems have occurred about which the supplier is not aware .
13 This meant performing a given set of rituals at the appropriate times .
14 Most Greek religious festivals occurred at or near full moon , but since they were associated with agricultural activities they had to take place at the appropriate times of the year .
15 As regards their gods , benevolent ones were honoured , whereas those of an equivocal nature had to be appeased at the appropriate times .
16 We can assess all the relevant factors for you , and produce the right amount of cash at the appropriate time .
17 Briefly , the code of practice specifies standards for providing wholesome water , for supplying a constant water supply at the appropriate water pressure , and for treating sewage in a comprehensive and environmentally sensitive way .
18 But it does mean giving choices and explaining things to the child at the appropriate time .
19 Causal path models are excellent devices for forcing the data analyst to look at the appropriate marginal relationships in tables .
20 To stimulate the development and the application within the agency of techniques of environmental modelling and forecasting in order that adequate preventative action can be taken at the appropriate time ;
21 This is added onto LIBOR at the appropriate reference dates ( every three , six or twelve months ) to determine the total interest cost on a variable rate loan over its term .
22 Your TESSA will receive interest at the appropriate TESSA rate which may be varied .
23 However , it will have been reduced by an amount equal to Basic Rate Income Tax at the time the interest was credited to your account and this amount will be retained in your TESSA and will receive interest at the appropriate TESSA rate .
24 If you wish interest to be paid to another account you should advise your branch and an amount equal to Basic Rate Income Tax will be retained in your TESSA and will receive interest at the appropriate TESSA rate .
25 A bowling ball , and yes you guessed it , we can provide you with a house ball at the appropriate weight of ( 8–16 lbs ) for your size , absolutely free .
26 Within this ideal model ( Fig 12.3 ) , the actual costs of providing education at the appropriate level would be calculated for both academic and non-academic resources ( eg staff , equipment , facilities , services , etc ) .
27 obtain and organise resources to deliver education at the appropriate level to meet statutory requirements and local demand
28 The decisions will be made at the appropriate level by those who have a stake in them .
29 Persons who are unable to satisfy the conditions for enrolment at the appropriate time , being the time laid down by the Senate under Section 3 , may at the discretion of the Senate be provisionally enrolled for such period not exceeding three months as may be authorised by or on behalf of the Senate .
30 It required but a single coincidence , whereby an apparent answer to a prayer arrived at the appropriate time , to make him believe that his objects of supplication had powers beyond himself , and had brought him relief .
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