Example sentences of "he study [art] " in BNC.

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1 Sir , may I suggest , in reply to W Roger Jones query on TRE POL PEN , that he studies a detailed map of the Duchy of Cornwall .
2 Tea and sympathy : Russian president Boris Yeltsin stirs a cup of tea as he studies a copy of his speech before last night 's television address to the nation
3 He studies the floor .
4 He studies the little dark face and massages a limp hand until the fingers curl around his own .
5 ( He studies the floor . )
6 The hon. Member for Hamilton ( Mr. Robertson ) is not usually given to fanciful rhetoric , and if he studies the movement of opinion in Europe he must know that since Maastricht more and more people have begun to comment on the future of Europe in the same sort of way as my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister and I did before .
7 Methodically , meticulously , he studied every aspect of Kylie 's talent and music before committing himself to what would have been one of the most ambitious projects even he had attempted .
8 On the train he studied a map of Drenthe — not that there was much to see .
9 He studied a letter written by Lord Byron to his sister , Mrs Leigh , on 29 August 1816 .
10 He studied a restaurant menu a few doors along feeling confused and angry at his confusion .
11 ‘ Good , because it seems , ’ said the colonel , placing his monocle up to his left eye , ‘ that Prescott ’ — he studied a buff form on the desk in front of him before continuing ‘ yes , Private Prescott , may have shot himself in the hand in order to avoid facing the enemy .
12 During this last period , Marx made detailed studies of the work of historians and lawyers who discussed traditional peasant communities , whether in Europe or Asia , and above all he studied the work of contemporary anthropologists who discussed primitive societies .
13 The leader of the trio , an ample-bellied type with a tweed cap and one of those quilted waistcoats which look like half-inflated life jackets , sniffed the air as he studied the blackboard which serves the Rambler as a menu .
14 His chair was pulled close to the stove so that he could prop one elbow against the chimney as he studied the pages of his newspaper .
15 Even as he studied the pages of his comic , his ears and senses were alert to the smallest sounds coming from the rest of the house .
16 He studied the pattern of small bristles on the abdomen of a bug , Onchopeltus ( see Figure 14 ) .
17 He studied the hand , then her face for a couple of seconds as if mildly amazed that she should wish to touch him .
18 Like most rulers in the Dark Ages and the later Medieval and Renaissance periods , Charles paid attention to the patterns of the stars and planets ; he studied the astronomy of the time , which was unified with astrology and philosophy based upon the Four Elements ( Air , Fire , Water , Earth ) .
19 Before going to bed that evening he studied the map he had been given .
20 Little Red Riding Hood came into Trent 's thoughts as he studied the scene .
21 He studied the document again .
22 As he studied the list of names of men who had evaded the Dragoons , the names of 2 Ayrshiremen took his attention , both for the length of time they had eluded ‘ justice ’ .
23 He studied the draft of the report he had sent to Burnell and re-examined it , going over time and again all he had learnt since his arrival in Scotland .
24 He studied the prints for an hour and identified forty non-human particles .
25 He replied politely that just as he studied the whereabouts of bones and tendons and muscles so as to know more about the figures he tried to draw , in the same way — if he was attempting a portrait — it helped to know something about the working of people 's minds and how their characters had been formed .
26 He studied the security card in greater detail , noting that Paul Henry James Manville was a member of that small elite within the CIA who enjoyed the privilege of a top-security ‘ Q ’ classification .
27 He studied the English copy for a few more moments before dropping it into the shredder .
28 He could n't flesh her out , however hard he studied the picture .
29 He studied the paper briefly .
30 He studied the various Ordnance Survey maps , visualised the layout and shape of the hills and then sketched .
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