Example sentences of "he expect [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , he expected assistance from him .
2 Prof McVie said that he expected drugs to counter rogue genes could be available within seven years .
3 He expected Willie to ask if there had been any post but there was no response .
4 He expected talks last night between Forum and the small non-Communist parties to see what were the possibilities .
5 He expected Caterina to be there to tell him that Rosalba absolutely refused to meet him in such compromising circumstances and considered him a blackguard and a monster even to suggest such an assignation .
6 The sergeant thought Blanche would be tired after the tension of the previous hour or two , and he expected Blanche to sit at her desk quietly for a few minutes .
7 Transport minister Roger Freeman said yesterday he expected legislation to begin in the new year and be complete by October .
8 Parry recommended a revision of the practices of the construction industry , and said that he expected insurance costs to rise .
9 The Egyptian foreign minister , Amr Moussa , made it clear he expected Israel to offer more than it has so far to return the deportees to their homes in the occupied territories .
10 He looked as if he expected Wexford to hinder him , but Wexford said nothing .
11 Essentially , he expected art , even that of the Avant-garde , not merely to override the present but to ride it .
12 He expected Maud to come into his bed .
13 He expected William Temple to back Henson and was grieved to find that his hero was weak because he refused to stand up and fight .
14 He expected Charity to scoff at such weakness , but surprisingly , she seemed only to be concerned with how that could be arranged .
15 Simon Foster , director of the SMMT , said he expected sales in the final quarter of the year to be below those in the last three months of 1988 .
16 Greenspan stated that the probability of recession had slipped below 50 per cent and he expected growth in the first quarter of 1990 to be " slow but positive " .
17 Tim Eggar , the Energy Minister , told the conference that he expected recommendations by the end of the month from a working group on offshore costs chaired by John d'Ancona , the head of the Glasgow-based Offshore Supplies Office .
18 He expected silence when he spoke , almost required it , and the more worshipful the better .
19 The article says : ’ Mr. Major disagreed with the delegation 's gloomy forecast of when the recovery in construction would begin , saying he expected industry to emerge from recession in the middle of next year . ’
20 He expected Bunny to stay behind , but he was the first out of the door .
21 He also told reporters he expected Syria , Jordan and Lebanon — the Arab countries talking peace with Israel in Washington — to sign other agreements with the Jewish state simultaneously within days .
22 Advanced Micro will have a fifth generation microprocessor on the market in 1995 , and other areas were also performing well , with strong sales in non-volatile Flash memory products , where he expected revenues to jump to $200m in 1993 from $45m in 1992 .
23 Announcing the scheme Education Minister Michael Ancram said he expected savings up to £100 , a year as a result of the improvements .
24 In what is a highly fluid situation , a senior opposition source said that he expected Forum ministers to be in office by the weekend .
25 He expected Mr Major to turn up at another party on Thursday night — even sneering : ‘ This is the vomit party , tomorrow 's is the cream ’ — but the Premier was flying across the Atlantic for a high-profile visit to Canadian leader Brian Mulroney .
26 The Profitboss places few demands on his colleagues , nor does he expect favours .
27 Could he expect Nebamun to do it for him ?
28 To ask the Secretary of State for Defence when he expects TASM to be in service ; and where they will be based .
29 However , with the outbreaks of that disease in cattle beginning to plateau , Keith Meldrum , the Ministry of Agriculture 's chief veterinarian , has gone on record as saying he expects EC countries to start lifting the ban towards the end of the year .
30 To ask the Secretary of State for Transport when he expects work to commence on upgrading the A12 Chelmsford bypass from a two-lane to a three-lane road .
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