Example sentences of "he turn around " in BNC.

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1 He turns around and listens .
2 He turns around to smile bravely .
3 When he turned around he was leafing through a file .
4 An echo : Once in fourth grade , he was sent to stand in the corner , next to the blackboard ; whilst there , he powdered his face with white chalk and when he turned around he was a clown , beaming a smile at the class like The Joker in Batman .
5 Flinging off the old costume as he turned around , there stood Dr Tehyi Hsieh in white tie and tails , his polished shoes agleam and his black hair slicked back .
6 And with that he turned around , walked to the door , again turned , then shouted at Dad :
7 Then he turned around and looked and there was a shop cabinet .
8 From the wide grin on Sean 's face as he turned around to look at them , Ruth suspected that he had swerved on purpose .
9 As he was leaving he turned around and threw a small box on to the bed .
10 He turned around , and saw Pion .
11 He turned around and looked down into a sea of human faces , below him .
12 Adjusting the holes so that he could see properly , he turned around in the road and drove back towards her .
13 He turned around and spoke into the room behind him , then moved out of sight .
14 The hot shine must have cut to black as he was soft-footing it up the stairs , because when he turned around on the half-landing and crouched behind the angle of the banister the only light in the hall was the inward spill from the porch , and that was getting less as the door slowly closed on its hydraulic arm .
15 He turned around and stared at her with that insufferable thoroughness , which was downright rude , but about which she could n't complain .
16 He turned around to face her and approached the bed .
17 Then he turned around and held the taper up to illuminate the scene .
18 He turned around again and grinned weakly at Druellae .
19 I was afraid that my father would be like that , that when he turned around his eyes would be glass , they would n't take in what they saw .
20 He turned around slowly , moving like a man in pain .
21 He turned around and slowed down , seeing no sign of the monsters .
22 He turned around , so that he faced the water again .
23 She shifted yet further away when he turned around to face her and she saw where the course of the chain originated from .
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