Example sentences of "he can see " in BNC.

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1 An individual will get far more pleasure working his chest , his abdominals or his arms because he can see the muscles working and developing .
2 ‘ Normally , a farmer asks for advice because he can see an economic outcome such as growing a better crop .
3 The speaker should feel comfortable with the lectern 's height and it must be positioned so that he can see his notes .
4 He walks about at night , and people say he can see in the dark . ’
5 The only disconcerting thing about eating David Moore 's food — ‘ never cooked before July 1991 in my life ; you just need lots of cookbooks and a fertile imagination ’ — is that he can see you from his kitchen window .
6 He married a bishop 's daughter and , appropriately , they live in St Albans , in a house that is handy for the local Romanesque cathedral , which David French boasts he can see when he is lying in the bath and , while he is shaving , reflected in the mirror .
7 Faced , as far as he can see , with a future of minimum inflow and maximum outflow , he has decided to sell his gallery at 22 Cork Street as an art object .
8 In the eighteenth century Boswell describes his attack of gonorrhoea , which is complicated by an attack of epididymo-orchitis , and , after a miserable six weeks of self-imposed confinement at home , rejoices that he is cured because all he can see is a slight ‘ gleet ’ which he is happy to ignore .
9 ‘ So he can see you on the screen in his office .
10 ‘ We do n't put him next to other horses , but he can see them clearly , only a field away , and he does n't fret or bother at all .
11 It has almost everything to do with the age of the child , his ability to become absorbed in a task ( whether or not he can see the point of it ) , and his comparative insulation from the world .
12 ‘ Look at the fly ; all he can feel , all he can see is the table .
13 So , looking forward , he can see where he is going and , simultaneously looking backwards , he can see exactly where his pursuer is and what is the most appropriate avoiding action .
14 So , looking forward , he can see where he is going and , simultaneously looking backwards , he can see exactly where his pursuer is and what is the most appropriate avoiding action .
15 Then he cleans the bed of needles and berries , spreads an old blanket over it , stretches himself at length , his hands folded under his head , and looks through the branches at what he can see of the blue sky .
16 No matter bow close you are to your home , never lead a suspicious person to it so that he can see you enter an empty house/ flat alone .
17 ‘ He likes us where he can see us , he says . ’
18 The second reason why God does not give up on you as a hopeless case is because he can see the future .
19 Kelly said Blissett had been involved in an ordinary aerial challenge , the kind he can see 200 times in four games a week .
20 With hindsight , he says , he can see the deficiencies in County 's and NatWest 's structure that might have contributed to the Blue Arrow affair .
21 He can see exactly how business is coming in , look at the average premiums ; how the underwriting stands ; how claims are progressing ; and at the renewal retention rate .
22 If you look at any good policeman , you will notice that he always walks facing the traffic , so that he can see what is coming towards him and is not taken by surprise .
23 ‘ Although Benn does n't seem to want to fight me , surely he can see the commercial sense in what I am planning .
24 I ask Steve if he can see any reasons behind the constant attrition of top mountaineers .
25 And he can see the high-scoring theme continuing and burying defensive reputations .
26 He may meet in private with his lawyer , but access to his family is severely restricted : he can see them for no more than one hour a month , under tight surveillance .
27 He can see it as blue ( that is , it can be the case that , on looking at it , he would take it to be blue if he had no reason to think otherwise ) only if he can discriminate between objects in respect of their being or not being blue .
28 As soon as any adventurer takes an item from a corpse , tell him that he can see ghostly shapes forming in the shadows .
29 Because the rifleman can see over enemy ranks he is allowed to pick out any individual he can see , including enemy character models who would not otherwise be eligible as targets .
30 Poor child — he can see them in his mind 's eye , but how can he express them in paint ?
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