Example sentences of "that allow the " in BNC.

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1 The OFT found no evidence that Bupa has abused its buying power up to now , but felt that allowing the takeover could increase the risk of abuse .
2 Tretorn accept that the Association should have the right to choose the right ball on quality criteria in conjunction with the specifications laid out by the International Tennis Federation , ( which Tretorn balls meet ) , but feels that allowing the LTA to choose the type of ball , could lead to unfair discrimination against its permanent pressure variety .
3 The results , presented in Table 2 , show that allowing the extra sources of income to matter ( Model 4 ) produces very different results from Model 1 and Model 5 ( where the extra income is assumed not to matter ) .
4 The latest innovations , used in the production of Elan panels , are Fibreform — a patented process that allows the mat to be pre-formed , outside the mould , into the required shape — and nickel-plated moulds , which improve surface finish and allow heat to be applied to speed curing .
5 He has signed an agreement that allows the United Nations to set up and administer humanitarian centres all over his country .
6 Clearly , training that allows the subjects to come to the task with these associations ready formed will be of help ; and equally clearly , reversed pre-training will have just the opposite effect .
7 Any electronic drawing system that allows the designer to sketch , visualise and change plans or ideas may be said to offer CAD .
8 Will Lee was recently quoted as saying , ‘ The ways I approach grooves are either to lock with the kick drum and playing fills around that , or to ignore the kick drum and create a melodic hook that allows the bass part to shine . ’
9 But anyway , Newtone claim an unprecedented string life , a tighter , clearer fundamental note and a lower tension-to-pitch that allows the string to vibrate more freely , resulting in unsurpassed playability .
10 A company issues a 9% convertible capital bond that allows the holders to convert into the company 's ordinary shares at a future date .
11 So it 's often sheer neglect on the part of the home owner that allows the thief to gain entry , and make off with your treasured possessions .
12 Simultaneously with clinical observations such as these , academic psychologists were also beginning to incorporate a similar idea into their models of normal cognitive functioning and most contemporary theories of human information processing contain the notion of a mechanism that screens and selects the products of consciousness ; necessarily so , since organised thought would be impossible without some device that allows the mind to choose from among the many stimuli — both internal and external — with which it is constantly bombarded .
13 Replace the foam in the filter with something chunky that allows the water to flow through without blocking — Siporax , ceramic pieces or large sized gravel will work well .
14 Herringbroom is not concerned with conquering a technique , however , or showing an impressive facility ; it is about approach , about an attitude that allows the student to evolve , to move forward within his or her own work .
15 The sapiential authority to advise , instruct and direct ; the moral authority that makes its acceptance not just useful but obligatory ; and its charismatic authority that allows the professional to appeal to some supreme interest of his client that not only outranks conscience but sometimes even the raison d'état ( 1977 , pp.17–18 , emphasis added ; see also 1975 ) .
16 It has now formally signed an agreement that allows the High Wycombe , Buckinghamshire and Mountain View , California-based firm Insignia Solutions Ltd to modify Windows source code at the application programming interface ( API ) to improve the performance of its SoftPC Windows under Unix package .
17 The most urgent task is replacing ledgers and pencils with a management-information system that allows the head office to monitor risk .
18 There is ( intentionally ) no proper derivatives market that allows the peso to be sold short .
19 It is this that allows the NMDA receptor to behave as a molecular coincidence detector .
20 Accell/SQL for Windows is the first Windows-based product from Unify that allows the application to run in Microsoft Windows on the client .
21 flexibility that allows the tailoring of the office specially to the requirements of the establishment .
22 The program designer takes charge of the production of the computer program for the unit which must achieve a presentation that allows the educational objectives to be reached .
23 A new feature that allows the teacher to control the pace is successful .
24 Questions were asked after each problem , and at the completion of the task , to obtain the following objective information : 1 ) the ease of use of each program , 2 ) the insight gained from using each technique , 3 ) the aid given by each technique in attaining a solution , 4 ) the user preference , and dislike , for the techniques , 5 ) the technique thought to be most capable of giving insight , 6 ) the technique thought to be most capable of giving the best design , and 7 ) the subject 's engineering and computing background , and knowledge of the polar second moment of area ; this being the sectional properties of a component that allows the shearing stresses to be deduced from the applied torque .
25 It is knowledge of these required functions that allows the designer to turn that space into a performing component .
26 A page description language is , essentially , a programming language that allows the elements of a page ; type , graphics , rules , scanned photographs , etc , to be described mathematically and reproduced on a printer which is equipped with the appropriate device for understanding the language .
27 an on screen mouse operated facility that allows the user to choose from a selection of ‘ tools ’ to create simple geometric shapes — lines , boxes , circles etc. and to add fill patterns .
28 As in Out , schizophrenic discourse operates as a metaphoric tool that allows the novel to focus , like its concrete counterpart the radio telescope , on the limits of our spatio-temporal universe .
29 Here we are talking about a degree of conscious awareness that allows the individual to understand and control what is happening to him .
30 Quick Help for WordPerfect 5.1 from Microref is a TSR ( Terminate and Stay Resident ) program that allows the user to access Help for WordPerfect 5.1 for DOS on two levels : Instant Help and Expanded Help .
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