Example sentences of "that many members " in BNC.

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1 Lloyd 's argues that many members who are leaving are those with limited resources who joined the market during a period of rapid expansion in the 1970s .
2 Although Libyans recognized that many members of tribes were ‘ written ’ , or attached in other ways , the central notion was that the loyalties and obligations which made the stateless system work were part of a person 's equipment at birth .
3 The IBA survey showed that many Members expressed dissatisfaction with the acoustics .
4 Joan Felthouse indicated in her introductory comments that many members of the Animal Welfare Movement dislike being referred to as ‘ bunny huggers ’ .
5 What is not in doubt is that many members failed to follow the professional path of Section 2f in the dispute , and were thus in breach of the Code of Professional Conduct .
6 Paradoxically , it was in this administrative vacuum that many members of the Colonial Service felt they had come into their own .
7 Gerry : Friends have said that many members were suspicious of my political motives , and perhaps Ahmed 's as well .
8 Also , there is the recognition by these parties that many members of the working class , and many of their voters , do want to own their own property .
9 It is well known that many members of Parliament are among those who are deeply dissatisfied with Parliament 's ability to control the executive , or even to find out what it is doing .
10 Research has also indicated that many members of the upper strata owe their position primarily to the fact that they have been born into those strata and have capitalized on the advantages provided by their social background .
11 Does he not realise that many Members on both sides of the House and many staff who work here have to eat morning , noon and night in those cafeterias , and that there is a desperate need to take on the services of people who are qualified and at the forefront of their field in this subject ?
12 However , we fear it is becoming so intense that many members of the Vale of Glamorgan Borough Council 's Planning Committee are in danger of losing sight of their duty to have regard to vital Government planning guidance aimed at protecting the open countryside from unnecessary development .
13 From our interviews and observations it was apparent that many members were experiencing frustration through a lack of sense of direction or achievement in this field ( in the survey 25% of respondents felt that their board had achieved little in any field of activity ) , although they were not clear how this might be improved .
14 I can not believe that many members of the public believe that that is justice , or that it conveys the right message to those who , tonight , will steal a car and race it in the path of some other innocent victim .
15 Total membership fluctuated widely around 5,000 and it is clear that many members only stayed with the Party for a short time .
16 The communist party should not be banned , it is true that many members of it did support er an coup , on the other hand so many people joined the communist party for advancement and it 's not very democratic to ban a party which has had su such power and such membership .
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