Example sentences of "i shook my " in BNC.

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1 I shook my head .
2 I shook my head .
3 Images kept on coming at me which , like a crazy horse , I tried to resist , defiantly tossing my head high , but each new picture flashing into my mind enraged me more and more and I shook my head frantically from side to side .
4 I shook my head regretfully — I had n't brought it with me , thinking the English would look down on my caftan with its silver belt — although I saw garments like it selling here at huge prices .
5 I shook my head .
6 I shook my head .
7 I shook my head regretfully .
8 I shook my head .
9 I shook my head and asked her how she was feeling .
10 I shook my head .
11 I shook my head .
12 I shook my head .
13 I shook my head .
14 I shook my head , and with a toss of her spiky white hair she veered away towards Murphy and Hauptmann .
15 Instead of flicking my eyes toward the exit door , I shook my head no .
16 I shook my sand-filled ears by the lobes and listened .
17 I shook my head .
18 This time I did not feel so angry , but I shook my head .
19 I shook my head and shrugged my shoulders at her , trying not to look into the child 's large eyes filling with tears as he gazed petulantly at me , his underlip thrust out .
20 I shook my head .
21 I shook my head .
22 I shook my head .
23 Thessy 's scared face appeared at the other cabin door , but I shook my head at him , mimicked sleep , and he ducked back inside .
24 I shook my head , a bit shyly .
25 I shook my head and was saved from further entreaties by the arrival once again of the children who all wanted choice titbits from the grownups , ‘ table ’ , kisses and praise .
26 I shook my head and felt enormously grateful when the topic of conversation changed .
27 I shook my head .
28 I shook my head .
29 When I shook my head , he said , ‘ I suppose it 's not a young man 's drink .
30 I shook my head .
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